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Ladies Rides

heres "Hotness" my once daily driven Explorer Sport with 124,000 miles on her...nowadays she only gets driven on sunny days or to shows...

but my daily driver threw rain and snow is my 05' Toyota 4-Runner


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OK so I feel HORRIBLE for doin this to my baby but hey, not bad for bein flipped in a ditch!

This was Shirley, my 98 Rio Red v6 Pony that I lost in my impending divorce:


I busted my rear end to get and pay for her, and in January of this year I had to choose between keeping her or letting my deadbeat STBXH drive back to California with her, so I wrote her off as collateral damage. (I had turned her over to him to drive when I bought my family truckster - a 2002 Mazda Tribute- but I never transferred the title until this year.) I miss the car, but I sure as heck don't miss him.

She never needed anything other than routine maintenance (brakes, belts, and batteries), and an oil pan repair because the assclowns at Wal Mart cracked it when I needed a quickie oil change. *Sigh* She was a wonderful wonderful girl though.

I'll post pics of my Explorer when I get it, but hey I'm still shopping!! I found a 2006 EB in blue, but I'm holding out for a 2007.

The new man of the house:


His name is Bullet. Bull for short. Insert your "ride the bull" joke here.

My baby is a 1995 Explorer, Eddie Bauer. Love it to DEATH and I wouldn't sell it for anything (except for a brand spankin' new Expie, but I'm a college student, so that's not gonna happen anytime soon haha.)

This is my girlfriend Sarah's Explorer. 1997 XL, 180,000 kms when she got it. 2 owners from new, never smoked in, never off roaded, full service history, absolutely mint, $1700.

She got it in March of this year, and called it "Trouble" which is very fitting. It needed both upper and lower ball joints doing, which I had to do, hence the name.

I fitted a touchscreen DVD player in the dash too.

It's a really good truck... Here she is..







And Here she is the first time we got stuck....

She wants to get some flames up the front of it but is unsure what to get... Pink or Green?? What do you think?


Here's my girl ('98 Eddie) next to the bf's ('98 Sport)


New to this site, and don't have a pic handy for posting, but I just recently purchased an explorer :) 2013 ford explorer sport, in a beautiful red.

Heres my wifes ride. I really need to show her the ladies forums so she will consider joining!


I always liked that generation Thunderbird. I don't like cars in general but probably one of the few cars I would choose to get.
