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Moab 2023

Looking at leaving the 17th so I can wheel Thurs, Friday, possibly Sat. However, I haven't gotten any reservations for a place to stay. I may just have to wing it.

Anyone have a SWR meter? I need to get my CB antenna tuned to my radio.

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Did Widow Maker a few times in my old orange POS Bronco :)
Nicest $50,000.00 POS around. . . . think you still have at least one EB - - what a great investment. . .
Looking at leaving the 17th so I can wheel Thurs, Friday, possibly Sat. However, I haven't gotten any reservations for a place to stay. I may just have to wing it.
Almost all of us departing Moab on Friday the 19th. . . Might get a chance to wheel Thursday if you can to make it out this year.


Kinda Jealous. Would love to go, but not this year. To much going on, as I was in Utah last weekend moving my Dad, and have a huge family road trip to the east coast coming up.

Have fun guys

Almost all of us departing Moab on Friday the 19th. . . Might get a chance to wheel Thursday if you get a chance to make it out this year.

Thanks for the heads up, Paul. I do have the whole week off though. However, My son Flashflood may not be able to get the time off. There is always another time.

Kinda Jealous. Would love to go, but not this year. To much going on, as I was in Utah last weekend moving my Dad, and have a huge family road trip to the east coast coming up.

Have fun guys

Where in Utah did Norm move to?

Where in Utah did Norm move to?

He's in Cedar City now. They built a huge brand new house on a acre of land.

Little cross-pollination, prepping the “Base Camp” trailer for a next Friday departure. . .

Getting the ****pit (edit: “Driver’s Area, LOL) ready for the long haul.

Really getting stoked for this trip.

Do you have a reverse camera in that bad boy? Looking great!!

Do you have a reverse camera in that bad boy? Looking great!!
Nah, could add one that integrates with the Garmin Overlander GPS unit, but okay without it. Pretty sure I've seen one that is paired to the rear-view mirror on one of your builds, - - have you got a line on one that I just can't live without . . .?

That is one seriously awesome trailer!
Got my reservations changed to Sunday the 14th to Sunday the 21st. I've been told that fits in with others reservations better. Also gives me all day Saturday to give LilEddie a quick once over for anything that might give me a hard time on the way up there.

looking at places to camp. Which camp ground is everyone staying at?


Well I have used many different rear view setups over the last few years. In 3 of our trucks I run the “zero edge” rearview
Mirror with built in front and rear cameras it is also a audio/video recording and playback device… I love them

Next would be our other two trucks we use double din atoto head units (android based stereo head unit) with integrated gps and rear camera

The third option, very good for four wheeling and especially in my wife’s FJ with huge blind spots, is the birds eye 360 degree camera system that has 4 cameras and paints you a bird eye picture in real time of what is happening on all sides of your vehicle

Super *****in for four wheeling. I put one of these in the 07 ranger build

Here is the rear view mirror on amazon, I love these things! Cheap enough and no real mods needed to install (reversible easily it just clamps on)

Here is one on amazon there are many brands and models. The ones I use were called “zeroedge” they have changed the name since then

WOLFBOX G840S 12" 4K Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera, 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror for Cars & Trucks, Front and Rear View Dual Cameras, Night Vision, Parking Assistance, Free 32GB Card & GPS

looking at places to camp. Which camp ground is everyone staying at?

We're staying at Sun Outdoors Canyonlands Gateway. They may have a few spots still open, don't know for sure.

On another note, since we'll probably be using handheld radios, it'd be cool if we all agreed on a frequency in advance. Ok, full disclosure, it'd be great for me to know in advance so I can figure out how to tune in the correct frequency in advance and have it set before I even get there.... Also I have an extra handheld if there is someone out there who doesn't have one yet.

Common Frequencies are Ham 146.460 among the group.

I might suggest we run a MURS frequency for the trip as they are open to all for short distance coms and have few FCC regulations

151.820, 151.880, 151.940, 154.570, and 154.600 MHz

I just may be looking a showing up in our 2020 Ranger FX4. Little more comfortable and road worthy. But time will tell.


I showed up last time in our bone stock 07 Eddie Bauer Expedition. Still had fun and got to see some of the more simple yet scenic trails. And I could always use a good trail-guide/photographer on more rugged trails.

I just may be looking a showing up in our 2020 Ranger FX4. Little more comfortable and road worthy. But time will tell.

You will fit in with those of us bringing broncos

Sorry @Setinu Those trails are a bit much for my rig, and like Traveler said, it's got to get me home (1100 miles).

I would love to attempt to "3 Wheel" this IFS 2nd gen, on Poison Spider, Golden Spike, and Gold Bar Rim one day. Those would be the hardest trails the rig could do, and might need a strap once or twice on a couple of obstacles. I have only been on those once and that was like 10 years ago, and in the FJ. No idea if they have changed or not.

Any takers?

Oh... Camping at Sun Outdoors that used to be Canyonlands.
GMRS for coms.
Arriving Sunday the 14th and departing Sunday the 21.
Wheeling Mon-Sat.
Hoping for our group dinner on one of these nights.

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Really hoping to make this in a couple of years! The Bronco safari was last weekend and I'm guessing well over half of the Bronco's there were new gen 6 versions and I have no need to go wheeling with brand new vehicles.
