My New 1994 Mazda Navajo SNORKEL. What you think? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My New 1994 Mazda Navajo SNORKEL. What you think?

Fatty explorer

Active Member
November 10, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Everett, wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer XLT 5.0
just built this snorkel for my navajo tell me what you guys think





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there isn't any pictures?

there should be now

looks good. lot cheaper than a bought one. only question now is... how well does it work.

is that a dryer vent hose?

you better believe it, everything works great and is sealed up very nicely

heres my final snorkel build




the only thing your gonna have to watch is the exposed part of the dryer tube. i ran that inside the fender and ripped it on the blower motor. just keep an eye out for stuff hitting it

yeah i had a hard time cramming the dryer hose in the fender im going to make a flush mounted sheild for the exposed hose

oh the blower motor lol...............yeah i definatly hate that thing getting in the way so i rotated it clock wise and made the plug, plug in from the top other than on the side where you need that extra room for the snorkel hose

Uh... :wtf: The dryer duct.. Bad idea.. I have a 83 toyota supra with a 2.8 N/A in it and i used one as a cold air duct through the fender to the front of the airdam into a 6"x6" K&N cone filter. Let me tell you it didnt last to long.. Not because of holes or anythiong crazy like that worse. Like catastrophic failure.. Coming home from work one day just cruising down the highway all of a sudden the car fell on its face.. I thought i blew the motor.. No warning no nothing.. I limped it home and crawled all around the car and didnt see it until i got under her and found it.If it wasnt for my MAF sensor it would have ate it.. Just a warning.. They work great to direct a pressure release but they are not built to withstand that much vacume.. The pics shall tell the story.. Good luck though..

The top was on the filter the bottom on the MAF..


The veiw from the MAF side.. That bulge was jammed into it..

Looks awesome. I'm hoping to get my rig breathing from high up soon, I may be making something like this.

Dryer hose is a bad idea because it is not rigid enough, strong enough and has poor aerodynamic properties. You need a smooth wall rigid pipe. I would recommend HDPE. You can heat it and bend it.
