Redneck Engineering Inc. - Snorkel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Redneck Engineering Inc. - Snorkel


Rolling on 37"s
July 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Winter Haven Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Xplorer
A little bit of background-

Ok, so next weekend, Sunday, if i feel upto it, i will be going offroading with Truoffroad. We are going to a place called Holopaw. This place is just mainly mud, and its wet and nasty. Going with us is a bunch of Florida Swamp Buggys, If uou dont know how big these things are, some of them have tires as big as Volkswagen Bugs! Well since ive read and heard this place is just nasty and wet, i figured i needed to do something about my Air Intake, I have a KKM, the KKM is great, but not nessecary the best for mud and water, especially when the mud always fling under the hood or water rushes in. Now i dont expect to go where these Swamp buggys go, nor do i really plan to follow some of the places these jeepers go, I do pretty good, but i dont really want to screw anythign up :) . But trust me i will get it nasty, be ready next Monday or sunday night for some pictures.

Well onto the snorkel-

This aint a pretty snorkel, nor is it really a snorkel, but it is an alternative way to having or making a true snorkel, which if i had the money, and could have had that part, the top part from ARB for the snorkel, that i heard takes months to get, i would have made one of them..... But till this summer when i do all of my other Planned Mods, this will get me by.
Pretty much what this does is mounts where my blower motor went, and breathes through the Vents in the dash. I have a hint, make sure you clean ALL the leaves out of that black box, mine was slap full, and make sure you get them ALL! If i didnt clean mine my fileter for this woulda been plugged. Also another reason to get them all, is when i got most of them vaccumed out, what i thought was all, amd i tested the blower motor again, there were still some leaves in there that had broken loose, and there is soemthing or another on there that is some thermal thing, well the leaves got on it and started to smoke, this could be a fire hazzard, the leafs we pulled off of it after it smoked were black and crunchy. See pictures below to see what im taking about.

I did not do a write up on this, becuase i dont think anyone would relaly copy this, as i tihnk its kinda dumb, but hey it works. If you liek this idea and want to copy it, i could make you one, or either make a detailed right up, i saved our template for the metal bracket and everything. If you have any questions please ask.

If you think this is cool, dumb or see a potential problem please let me know, it wont hurt my feelings as i test drove last night and all of today, and didnt have anyproblems, besides in the hot weather the acceleration was a little more sluggish. Also this is only for weekend Major Water/Mudding trips, i will continue to run my KKM daily.

Pics will be below in anoter post.....

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This whole contraption still needs to be painted, but ill try and provide the best pictures, and if you want more pics just ask for them... ill also try to provide Captions for the pics....


What we started with, minus the metal for the bracket


Here is the Filter Setup


Another Picture of the Filter


That is the Potential Fire Hazzard location, if it fills up with leafes or Pine Needles, where i have it circled there is some thermal thing that screw in, i forgot the name of it.

More Pics in a few more mins....


Filter Assembly/Adapter Done


Making a Template for the Bracket


Cutting the Bracket Out

Getting tired of the boring pictures yet? :)


Drillign out the hole for the filter/adapter to mount to.





If you are having a Problem viewing the Pictures, Please let me Know! Thanks..

More pics-


After uninstalling, after the 1day/2night test drive, i see the filter worked great

And here is My Master Fabricator, he helps me do ALOT of stuff to my truck and will be helping me alot this summer, when have alot of stuff planned to fab...



pics don't work (You said to let you know :) )

nice job. let's not forget this is a family site though...;)

Crap, i'm on a secure computer and i can't get to the link!

Sorry man, if you really wanna see what it look like, i could email you picture, if you can access, i wont email you all of the pics, unless you want them, but ill jsut email you the non BS ones..... jsut let me know.....

Caleb...does the "thermal thing" Have three spring type things on it? IF it does., is the Blower resistor...Don't break very careful with it.

Crankcase said:
Caleb...does the "thermal thing" Have three spring type things on it? IF it does., is the Blower resistor...Don't break very careful with it.

Yea thats it, ive already re installed it, and was very careful but im jsut saying this is/could be a fire hazzard, so you might want to check into it, to make sure you dont have leaves in yours..... Im bout to go paint the snorkel setup, so more pics later


Caleb, is that filter oily? If not, I really doubt its helping to stop any smaller dirt/dust from getting into your engine...

You may want to spray it with some K&N oil every month or so, because it isn't going to hold it like cotton...

nweibley said:
Caleb, is that filter oily? If not, I really doubt its helping to stop any smaller dirt/dust from getting into your engine...

You may want to spray it with some K&N oil every month or so, because it isn't going to hold it like cotton...

this filter is made from Edlebrock airFilter stuff, it is a Open air filter type stuff, i would think it is pre Oilized, but i will spray some of my K@N stuff on it just to check, and you said spray it everymonth, this thing wont get used but once of twice ;)

Now see if you would go with me Sunday, you could see in person how good it will or wont work :rolleyes: :)


I know, I know... damn exams! Damn them to the pits of hell!


good job, and you didnt even need to cut the fender :D

what does it look like on the outside of the truck?

jimabena74 said:
what does it look like on the outside of the truck?

What do you mean Jim? No part of this snorkel is visible cept under the hood, its intake is my Air Vents on the Dash.

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