finished snorkel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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finished snorkel


Well-Known Member
January 7, 2006
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City, State
Middleville, MI (Gun Lake)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Explorer Sport
I finished my snorkel this weekend and tried it out and it seems to work pretty well, what do you guys think



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Defilently custom! Cool! :thumbsup:


At first I thought you were roughing in a toilet.

Are you planning on painting it?

well for a total investment of around $25 i think i did quite well for myself, considering i was trashing air filters everytime i went out

Now that looks like a hard core off roader owns that truck.
Not to be negative, but what happens in the rain?

thats pry why he has that cap on the top of the snorkel....

look at the arb snorkel's they take air like ram air, how do they keep the water out? i thought the cap would keep the rain out when it sits and when i drive

Looks great! You should shield the front of the snorkel from windblown rain driven at highway speeds. The set up will definitely block rain at low speeds, but when you get going faster I suspect the water will get pushed up and over the cap.

Next you should sand it down and paint that black or red to match the truck. Think it would look good.

lookin good... ram airs been ok for years, another thing that might "resolve it" put a T fitting with a threaded pipecap somewhere facing down for collecting water and drainin. but that'd be ugly. I'd leave it be, good job. make sure you extend your Differential/tranny vents too.

I want some inside pics, lets see whats goin on under the hood. Also, the ram airs are known for removing the rain caus of the channels that go across the top, they push water away at speeds. Not sure how they prefore sitting still but they work. However great job on yours, time for the underhood pics.

CheapThrillEX said:
look at the arb snorkel's they take air like ram air, how do they keep the water out? i thought the cap would keep the rain out when it sits and when i drive
Yep, just like snoborder said, the ARB snorkels filter out the water when driving at high speeds. Look in DasFrem's snorkel thread. He has one post that said he was going fast down the highway with a TON of rain, he opened his airbox up, and it was dry as a bone. :thumbsup:

I would also like to see how it is rigged on the inside.

i'll take pics underhood sometime today, yeah i didn't have time to paint it before i went out yesterday, i am planin on painting it black, my vents for trans, t-case, and frt diff are at the master cyl, and the rear diff is at the top of the LR brake light

Now thats a hard core off roader! If you sand that thing a bit and paint it a nice flat black it will look custom! Function always out does looks!

I'd like to see under the hood too, how'd you hook in into the intake?

My a/c doesn't work and i have no intention on makin it work so i needed to remove the accumlator to run the hose, (i am turning my ac comp. into an air comp.) I had an extra air box from another vehicle so i cut the inlet neck off that box and made a hole in the EX's box and attached it to the bottom half, and took a peice of plastic and covered the OE inlet spot, i purchased some 3 inch flexible hose with a wire spun in it from napa, and just made the holes in the fender and used 3 inch PVC for the exernally portion




WOW! you do know that going to the carwash and gettin some of that 2" mud off of that poor motor would probably make your truck run better and much cooler!

I can definitely tell your Ex gets used as a 4X4 as it should! Good to see, I hate seeing those that are spotless and not a drop of dirt has ever been on them. :)

so basiclly from the stock intake you ran a hose to the PVC? BTW your engine is really muddy

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of course its muddy -----} reason for snorkel {----- it hasn't made it to the shower yet, this is not my DD its a toy only
yeah i used the stock air box, covered stock inlet, made new inlet and clamped hose their,
