NEEDED: PEOPLE FROM VIRGINIA | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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January 31, 2000
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Radford/Franklin, Virginia
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Is anyone from VA and wants to go wheeling? I don't know of too many places around here to have some fun in my truck. If anyone wants to go and knows of some places let me know. I go to Radford Univ. so anyone around Tech and the area would be nice.

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Hi RuMan

I'm living in Richmond, VA. There are some from Virgina on this board, Isle4ever and some two three others. There is one form Roanoke, but I don't remember who it was.


I'm new to the site and living in the Fredericksburg area. I'd be interested in some wheelin' on the weekends - willing to travel a reasonable distance. I'm a newbie, so you'll have to take it easy on me! I've got three kids playing soccer right now, but I can work something out...


I live close to Va.Tech, because I'm going to Radford Univ. so that is a little distance. But I'm willing to might you if u know of some other people to want go. But i live at Smith Mountain Lake if u know where that is. I haven't done really nothing to my truck so don't worry. Drop me an e-mail if u want to do something.

Wheelin In VA

We have wheelin' up here in the Woodbridge, VA area, but soon to be no more...its already monitored by cops on Enduros every once in a trails though if your willin' to risk it. We still go every once in a blue moon, but usually we take our 4 wheelers, not our trucks...its easier to get away! There is some spots in Fredericksburg to go wheelin. You can see them from 95 and if you go to the Stafford exit, behind the BP Station is 1 of the entrances... May see you out there 1 day!

There is another spot off of the Warrenton Exit (Rte 17)off I-95 down the road the Geico building is on. Been there...haven't been able to explore in the truck yet, trails I think are a little too tight. We love going in our 4 wheelers though!


I'm looking for anyone who wants to join the Virginia Chapter of the ECX. Email me if you think you might be interested.

Anyone else know of any trails?

Greetings all:

I too am from VA (Stafford area for now) but should be moving to "Spots-a-tucky" towards the end of the year - my wife and I are building our new house there (off RT3).

I've been wheelin' w/Donkey-Boy before (by the way - hope all is's been awhile) over in Harrisonburg, VA. Not too shabby from what I remember.

I was just talking w/my wife the other day about going wheeling again but because of the house stuff, we really haven't had the time etc. Not to mention the lack of trail info.

Would love to try and get together and do some wheeling/camping if possible? Perferably something w/a lake view or a stream or something.

yob_yeknom = interested, where do I go to learn more...

As far as trail info goes, this is what I've heard or read about so far:

a. Harrisonburg - Old Log Run (something like that)
b. Peter Mill Gap (or maybe that's the same as above)
c. Holly Corner - Fredericksburg area
d. I-95 near Ladysmith (can be seen from 95)
e. Quantico (?? - see pics from there but haven't found anything / so far...)
f. ?

See ya...

Thanks Yob!

I'm interested in joining the VA chapter. Haven't had a chance to check out the ECX web site yet, but will as soon as I can. Thanks...

Hi MtnDog

Have not heard from you in ages. I'm happy to hear you're doing fine. If you ever find out more about Ladysmith (I see it every time I pass by on I-95) Fredericksburg or Quantico, let me know. I'm still thinking about joyning a 4x4 club, maybe the MidAtlantic J**pers. They should know more. But I just don't have enough time left for some club activities ...
I wonder if SteveVB would know more about these regions...

yob yeknom,

I unluckily don't qualify anymore for being a member of the East Coast Xplorers, bummer. But if ever later this year you want to take a Jeep Grand Cherokee with you, let me know. I'm working on a 2" lift so I hope I would be able to follow you guys.

Me know what??

VA wheeling:
Once I get my Navajo back from the trans shop Ill try and get together a ride sometime in the early fall see if everyone can come out- maybe even let Donkey Boy tag along.

I can try to add something to what Mtn dog laid out- he hit most of the legal public trails. There is another closer to donkey boy which would be called Shoe Creek or something I think its west on Rt 11. Michael, MAJ will know about it, seems most of their members are from Richmond or VA beach areas- I lurk on their board sometimes. There are a few more trails in the GWNF that are worth doing- at least once. I did a new (to me) trail near Kephart that is on City of Harrisonburg property last time I was down there - it wasnt too bad not super tough but a through the woods across a few creeks very similar to Old Long Run.

Also there is a private park somewhere in the tidewater area- something Farm is the name some searching should turn it up.
Something else to consider is the Big Dogs productions runs in Gore Va.(near winchester) check I want to get to one but havent been able to match up my schedule- supposed to be the best wheeling on the east coast. They also do some events at Paragon .

Hey can you get onto bases like Quantico? Legally( I dont do anything that is remotely construed as tresspassing anymore- years ago I had an incident with a shotgun and a soft top Jeep, and I didnt have the shotgun!!!

Yob -Ive been following the ECX threads just dont understand it yet - seems like things are moving along though. Good Luck and Ill keep following it.

Jeezze sorry so long just got going I guess.

MtnDog, I still don't have you on my list of members. Time to be on the list to buy the decals is only one week away. Let me know if you're still interested.

SteveVB, you're not on the list either. There's not really anything to figure out about the club. You basically get a decal, put it on your truck, and make the group look like something special when we meet up and all have the same decal. :) Pretty simple. Oh yeah, and you get emails of whats going on if and when there is a meet. That's about all there is to it.

Come on guys, I'd really like both of you to join. The more members, the merrier.

You mean i can't join? Man, I wanted to put a decal on my accord. haha
I'll be back wheeling with ya'll one of the days. Till then have fun.

Re: Me know what??

Originally posted by SteveVB
VA wheeling:
... maybe even let Donkey Boy tag along.

Thank you!! Will be happy to :)

... There is another closer to donkey boy which would be called Shoe Creek or something I think its west on Rt 11. Michael, MAJ will know about it, seems most of their members are from Richmond or VA beach areas- I lurk on their board sometimes.

I signed up with the MAJ over a month ago and sent them my application fee. I then had contact with the treasurer, but never heard anything from them since. I also never contacted them anymore; I've been pretty busy the last some weeks/months.

Originally posted by SteveVB
..... I dont do anything that is remotely construed as tresspassing anymore- years ago I had an incident with a shotgun and a soft top Jeep, and I didnt have the shotgun!!! ...


I'm back in the game. I just picked up a BII(i know it not an X) and i'm ready to go wheelin. Just let me know when and where!!


That's great to hear! I'm sure we could do a little wheeling sometime. Just let me know when you want to go.

Just a lil question

Originally posted by RU MAN
I'm back in the game. I just picked up a BII(i know it not an X) and i'm ready to go wheelin. Just let me know when and where!!


Great, welcome back and congrats to your ... ahem ... excuse me :eek: what is a BII?

A bII, is a Bronco II. It's kinda like a X sport, but based on a 86-90 ranger.

Is that a picture of your truck?

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I WISH. IT's CoryL's off rrorc. I don't have any pics of mine. It's a 87 Xlt with 31's. I need to replace the clutch before i do any wheeling. That will come next weekend hopefully. I'm pretty happy with it for the price i paided.
