New garage at the Horwitz house | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New garage at the Horwitz house

Since I started working on my Dodge Dart about 4 years ago, the Pumpkin lost it's home and had been stored outside. For three years the Mustang was stored outside under a cover. Since the Dart has been finished, I moved the Mustang back into the garage, but we needed more room to store vehicles so I could work on new projects in the attached garage.

To fulfill our needs we're building a 30x40 garage in the backyard for storage only, not as a shop. We broke ground on the project today getting the pad cleared of all the oleanders, piles of rock, sand, etc. Now we're just waiting on the county for our permits. :thumbsup: Unfortunately, unlike Jeff, I won't be doing any of the construction on this garage as I'm woodworking challenged;) We hired a contractor for this project.

Here are the first shots.... Nothing much to see, but I guess that's the point at this stage:D

Because of the way we have the landscaping set up around the house, we won't even be able to see the garage from the back of the house looking straight back. That's perfect as it won't get in the way of our view.




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Another quick crew. They're done with the stucco:eek:

Just waiting for the overhead doors to come in. The stucco can't be painted for at least a month.

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Don't remind me about letting stucco cure..

I got a letter from the city code enforcement, that I needed to paint my house.. Of course, I had an open permit from the building department to allow me to replace the windows, which meant broken and repaired stucco.


When our initial permit was submitted along with 7 site plans, about 2 weeks later I received a call from flood control. They said we had never received a final sign off on our block wall which has drains in the base so water can flow from lot to lot.

We were in the house when the block wall was erected, and the guy from flood control handed me our copy of the final inspection. Thankfully I placed that in our safe deposit box along with all the other house papers because the county LOST the final inspection sign off.

Had I not come up with the document on my own, we would have had to have the site plans re-drawn showing the draining in the block wall. Then it would need an inspection before they would have been able to approve the build.

Sheesh!! I think that the cumulative IQ for everyone working for the county may be 100.

Lookin good Rick! This is exactly what I'm going to need for my lot (stucco as well). Maybe just with a less AZ-design. :D

So how many months of Doctor's wages is this going to cost my wife? :p:

Another quick crew. They're done with the stucco:eek:

Just waiting for the overhead doors to come in. The stucco can't be painted for at least a month.

Coming along nicely:thumbsup:
Yeah, the PH levels are too high in the stucco to put paint on it yet. I've heard different timelines to when you can paint like minimum 14 days but it varies.

The contractor's job is done:chug:


Is it hot in there?

No photos of the interior. The interior is unfinished for now.

Yes, it get's hot in there. Not too bad though since the ceiling is so high.

I haven't chosen a painter yet. I'm getting bids from electricians first.

I haven't chosen a painter yet. I'm getting bids from electricians first.

I thought you said no power and were going to use solar power/LEDs to light up the place? If your going to run power you know your going to do "some" work in there :)

Do you have any options similar to a ridge vent? The Ridge vent on our shed keeps the inside temp the same as the outside temp but that is for a pitched roof. I don't know what you could do for a flat roof.


The electrician will wire all the outlets, fixtures, and panel. Solar will be running a 110v inverter which will feed into the panel. That's if Solar ends up being less expensive than running power from the house out to the garage. I'm getting a bid for running power from the house, but I think it's going to cost more than solar. Could be wrong...

The run from the existing panel to the garage is probably at least 250 feet. It all needs to be trenched.

I haven't chosen a painter yet.

DB1. No more then that that needs to be said. Only person I would let paint my house. I could walk away and know it would be done right.

I am jealous of the garage.

WoW that is one nice Garage Villa!!!

Do we need a cement slab where the truck is parked now?

Concrete is expensive... I can't see spending the money when there are so many better ways to spend it;)

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Been having upgrades done to the detached garage. We had to install a bigger panel on the house, 400amp to support a 200 amp panel in the detached garage. That also required us to dig a new trench 400+ feet for upsized conduit and cable. Today the electric was signed off on.

Tomorrow they will install spray in foam insulation under the roof, and on the walls. Two 24,000 BTU mini split units were installed and that is a bit overkill for the shops dimensions. The plan is to save money on electrcity by only using 1 unit until it gets really hot out. After the installation comes drywall and paint for the walls and ceiling. Getting close!

