next naches trip part ll | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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next naches trip part ll

Abe Lincoln

Active Member
July 23, 2009
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City, State
wilkeson wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 ranger R.I.P B deuce
gonna plan on heading to naches on the 16 and 17 of october, should be good fall wheeling. who's up for another trip?

oh yea that will be a birthday trip for me:party:

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I will put it on the calendar

On My Calendar Too

Hmm, so that'll make you how old????

19 :rolleyes: 23 :rolleyes::rolleyes: 30;)


Still haven't figured out where the locker compressor leak is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cause it ain't leaking now, just like when we hooked it up.

30:rolleyes: try again, nope it'll make me 26

i think ben will go and it sounded like andy was interisted, since he missed out on the last one

Shold be able to have a fire by then

Im thinking a real big fire! Put me down for it.

I invited Bill B. to come along

sounds good, alicia is gonna invite one of the girls from work, her husband has a nicely setup jeep. looking foward to having a camp fire, kinda makes the trip after a long day on the trail


Sunset will be about 6:00pm :( Better have a LOT of firewood.

Guess I'd better do someting about Abby's lights :rolleyes:

If I can make it :dunno:

so does that mean your going Kevin?
I am not going to commit yet, but I am gonna try. Just depends on the job hunt and I have to make a trip to Cali to visit Ma and Pa.

I got some biodiesel i can give you for the trip home, if your truck can run bio.

I don't see why it wouldn't. I've ran B20 before without any problems.

Sounds like Nate is going and Chris put in for the time off. Are we camping in the same area?

I came across Arsoul on Tripod Flats trail yesterday. He said he has this on his calendar.

tripod flats? so thats where I was? All I knew was I was out of beer and desperatly trying to get back to camp.

tripod flats? so thats where I was? All I knew was I was out of beer and desperatly trying to get back to camp.

You should have said so. :rolleyes: I had an extra map but no EXTRA beer :p:

Doesnt look I'm going to make the October trip. Forgot I alrady have something planned that 2year anniversary. Stupid fancy hotel in seattle and stupid fancy restaurant...once again, have fun without me.

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tripod flats? so thats where I was? All I knew was I was out of beer and desperatly trying to get back to camp.

Havent gone wheelin with you yet but I can already tell we would have a good time...

Sorry you cant make it.
