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next naches trip part ll

I got the AGR kit for the Ranger I got mine for $995 shipped from Sam's Offroad.

I have heard bad things about the stock pumps being used for hydraulic assist. After increasing the flow and pressure, they have a tendancy to pop the resorvoir off. The AGR kit comes with a Saginaw pump. It will require a little mounting bracket modification for clearance.

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I already did the saginaw swap... had on of those fail also

Got it from Napa (normaly good parts), the front bearing destroyed its self and the main shaft walked out of the pump. It only had about 20 miles on it... I would suspect there rebuilder needs better QC on there parts. Napa can no longer get that pump so go figure. Forrest and Chris are also running the cardon pump and they have not had an trouble so Im going to try another one and see how it works out. Matt at west texas said he has never herd of one of those pumps failing like that, I should be getting my parts the middle of next week so we will see. Andy and I are rebuilding the front section of the cage right now (the only none tree proof part on the cage so far), when we are done I will get on the steering project.

I just realized that I never unpacked the bronco from the last time, That will made the packing part easy this time.

WHo all is in?

i am, think iam gonna head to bens this weekend to help him finish up the explorer, unless he already has it done this week:rolleyes:

UPS "DROPED" my stuff off today and dented the res. on the power steering pump... thanks. Anyway, got the pump and box on the truck tonight. Now I have to come up with a good place for the ram.

Talked to Chris, sounds like he is still going. He is trying to build a new set of beadlocks before we go, the allied ones he has are bent up and leak. Nate said he would go if Chris can get his cage done in time. what time is everyone heading over?

Heading over Friday after work so I will get there about the same time I did last time,

so the plan is to camp at the same spot on the river, is anyone planning on going over early next week? sounds like most of us are heading out friday night after work.

I will be leaving Mount Vernon about 5 pm. Expecting a 9 to 10 arrival

I should be over there late friday night sometime along with Chris and Forrest. Nate will head over in the morning if his cage is done.

Apparently the AGR kit is also a A/C delete as well. After modifying the pump bracket to fit the new pump, there is no way the A/C compressor is going to fit back in. Oh well, it didn't work any way and was just an idler for the belt. Even if it did work, it's not very effective with no doors :D

I still have my ac, dosent the AGR kit use a cardon style pump? You should have room even with the modified bracket? Where did you end up mounting the ram on yours? I just dont have enough room on my axle with my steering and trackbar setup. I got lazy and mounted it from the frame to the draglink, it will work for now but when I have time I will find a way to mount it to the axle. The steering works good but its a little slow if you ask me (Joe, you were right). I think the answer might be one of PSC's high pressure pumps designed for hydraulic assist steering. The shimed cardon pump just dosent have the gpm or psi to supply the box and ram without some lag-time between steering input and moving the tires. Again, its not real bad. I think I will just have to get used to it. The other thing I like about it is that it acts as a steering stabilizer. I have NO more road input from the tires, no more steering wheel shaking from mud in the beadlocks throwing everything out of balence. I drove the truck onto a pile of railroad ties I have in the back yard and wedged it in the midle of the pile, normaly I would be able to steer a little and then it would go over relif. But I just knocked the ties over, I was able to steer with one hand and it never even strugled. This trip will be a good test run for everything.

I should get busy and new transmission mount installed and hang the shower curtain looks like is going to be cold and clear saturday and Sunday

My pump is a Saginaw. I installed it where the shim/mounting points were attached when it was shipped to me. I probably could have played with it and clocked it to make the AC fit, but I am happy with it. The rams hydraulic connections come up in between the track bar and drag link. I actually planned this when I re-did my track bar mount on the axle 2 years ago.

I turned on the front locker, and while stopped with my foot firmly on the brake, on pavements, was able o turn the wheel lock to lock with one hand. I LIKE it!! It doesn't seem to be slow at all that I can tell, but I did notice it is a little more responsive off idle.


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new steering and bumper repair


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I like your ram mount kevin, I need to redo mine like that one of these days. If you still want your ac I have another pump bracket we could cut and weld ontop of the one you have now provided theres enough room.

I wouldn't trust welded cast aluminum together, but I never used my A/C anyway and the fact that I have no doors really makes it pointless to worry about.

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I just thought if you wanted to turn it into onboard air or something. I have welded lots of cast aluminum assesory brackets over the years with good results. Anyway, I like the way your steering turned out, look foward to seeing it in action this weekend!

Joe, you have the bronco ready? Are you gona bring Bill or did he bag out on you?
