Pictures of the Steeda finaly !!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pictures of the Steeda finaly !!!


Well-Known Member
October 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Coral Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT Steeda Explorer
Here they are after the sun finaly decided to appear!!! :p ENJOY!!










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Sweet! Was that actually done by Steeda or just has Steeda parts and badges?

It was actually done by Steeda, it was theyre project truck, so its in theyre truck catalogs !! Woo Hoo its famous! LOL
Thxs for the comments!

Ive had 2 Steeda Mustangs and one of my friends works at Steeda ... Long story short I ended up finding out the owners wife (She drove the truck) was going to get rid of it. A few phone calls later the owner had detailed it and handed over the keys ...

Ive had the truck no more than 2 weeks now and since Ive gotten it Ive taken of the roof rack bars, tinted it way beyond legal limits, and smoked the tail-lights.

Any other questions, let me know!

Sweet lookin X you have :D

So pretty much suspension, wheels, and graphics?

looks good. i remember seeing it on Steeda's site back in the day.

Thanks for all the comments! And yes suspension, wheels, graphics, and Exhaust....

I like the ford embelems!!! :p

Windshield is at 20% and two fron windows at 20%, everything else is double 20%, im going to put another layer of 20% over the two front windows though.

What do you mean ??? Thats just the reflection of the curb ....

You haven't had problems (law wise) with the windshield tint?

do you have alot of mods planned for it? it looks better than stock and i like it, but i'm just curious as to whether you will try to keep the "steedaness" or if you don't really care that its a steeda and are open to modifying it in such a way that it loses that identity?

i know i'd remove that steeda on the windshield either way. But even if i modded the rest of the truck i'd probably keep the steeda logos on the side and the badges because they are very unique and are real. I just want to know your thoughts on this, like your take on whether its sort of a "collector" or something or not.

Well to be honest Im not to sure about the stickers, I think I will prbably leave them on since the truck is somewhat famous, as for mods I plan on sprayin it first with a 125 shot, and if that isnt good enough for me Im going to do a 5.4 Lightning engine swap or a 5.0 swap.... So to answer your question yes I do have a lot of mods planned for it. As for looks I will be painting all the cladding/body molding to match.

Laslty I have had all my cars tinted really dark and Knock on wood havent gotten pulled over for it yet.....

Arent southern states a little more forgiving when it comes to tint laws because of the extreme heat and sun conditions? I know when I go to FL just about every car has tinted windows.

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If you do the 5.4 instead of the 5.0, use the new 5.4, and of course, blown.
