show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread | Page 43 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread

yeah, so i wanted to separate men from mice and see your LIFTED explorer.
(yes, i´m gonna steal ideas for my soon to be x)
also this thread could be really cool for everyone else who´s into jacked up trucks.

keep 'em coming!

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ditto, thats the cleanest first gen I have ever seen.

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looks good^^ specs?

Just a 95 Explorer 4x4 with 33" All-Terrains. I LOVED that truck. Tranny went out on it so I had to sell the truck for dirt cheap. Took the money and bought my latest X (but its a 2 wheel drive) I plan to lift it one day though

those are 33s??!! they look tiny for some 33s...

slravene said:
those are 33s??!! they look tiny for some 33s...
yeah thats crazy 33's on a stock explorer 32's maby with a bunch of rubbing......but 33's :eek:

I think he means 31's.

yeah my 33's almost touch where i removed the plastic ground piece. i had to push the metal back a little.

here are some 33's on my first explorer- 285/75/16 Trxus MTs....


  • 597594_3_full.jpg
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  • tires.jpg
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King$nake said:
Just a 95 Explorer 4x4 with 33" All-Terrains. I LOVED that truck. Tranny went out on it so I had to sell the truck for dirt cheap. Took the money and bought my latest X (but its a 2 wheel drive) I plan to lift it one day though

you'd be amazed at what a mere 2Wheel Drive Suv can do.

at least I am with mine!!!

you going with 33's on your 2 wheel Drive also..

I want to squeeze 35" Mudders on when I lift my newest X. Im thinking an add-a-leaf in the rear with shocks, and 6-8" up front...

What kind of fender flares are those and where did you get them?


Here's my Canadian Ex....





Here's a newer version of my USA Explorer :D

Dead Link Removed

:ca: :thumbsup:

Section, your ex is a far cry from what it was at truckhaven last year. Nice! Needs a few dents though.

Ld50 that's one clean 1 gen for a 4x4.

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i know it not x this is my brother truck


it 99 isuzu rodeo v6
with 3" body lift and 2" front tt
