show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread | Page 41 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread

yeah, so i wanted to separate men from mice and see your LIFTED explorer.
(yes, i´m gonna steal ideas for my soon to be x)
also this thread could be really cool for everyone else who´s into jacked up trucks.

keep 'em coming!

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Here's mine. Enjoy.


  • DSCF0048.JPG
    101.4 KB · Views: 4,605

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specs for ^^^^

Oh where do I begin. It has 36" Iroks, SOA (disc brake), AAL, and shackles in the rear. For the front it has a 6" Skyjacker lift. Also has a 2" body lift. I am running 5.13's with a lock rite in the front and a Auburn limited slip in the rear. This winter I plan on making new upper coil spring mounts to solve the rake it has. I think that is about it.


wow! its really nice, is it your daily driver? or just your trail rig? are they irok bias or irok radials? how do the 5.13 gears do with 36" iroks? gas mileage?

anyways nice rig man!

It is not my daily drive. At 220+ bucks for one tire I would like to make them last as long as I can. The 5.13's are great makes it feel like having 4.10s with 235's. I don't know what kind of milleage I woould get. I would assume 12-18 IF I drove it on the road.

mechanix turn on your yahoo

Uugh! Please tell me you are moving that bumper up!

You can make your own brackets, or get them from Performance Accessories.

nah, he plans to make custom tube bumpers... :)

[QUOTE='97 V8]nah, he plans to make custom tube bumpers... :)[/QUOTE]

Thank God! :thumbsup:

well i liked the look really! no im playin yes i plan to do that, but those bolts are a ***** and i dont really want to pull late nights as i have since sunday doin what i have done. but believe me, my ex is far from done....

I'm sure you have a lot of rubbing issues, too... or have you hacked part of the fenders?
my 33x12.50s rub at full-lock, and hit the upper inner-fender if I hit a really big bump
I couldn't even imagine how bad it would be with a 33x13.50

i love lifted 01+ sports! :thumbsup:

That's a badass pic!!!! :D

my buddy is a photographer, i didnt even think about that when i invited him! i have many more, but he is at a concert and only downloaded those in a hurry b/c i had to have them, that pic is my desktop background
look at my post "this is how we do it in the NW"

is that a paved road? how did u get airborne

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