show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread | Page 46 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread

yeah, so i wanted to separate men from mice and see your LIFTED explorer.
(yes, i´m gonna steal ideas for my soon to be x)
also this thread could be really cool for everyone else who´s into jacked up trucks.

keep 'em coming!

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off road it makes all the difference
Unless your sway bars are setup to notlimit your travel.

Disconnect that sucker, you can get used to driving it to and from the trial wihout the sway bars no biggie

OH they are limiting my travel big time, you can tell just by looking at them when flexing. If i take the front off i get death wabble correct? I seen a pic of an ex with pins/clips quick disconnect for the fronts, thinkin that might be the way to go...The truck is in the shop right now, gettin 4.56 gears/ lockers. im gettin into this deep now she tucks the 32's ok


  • ohyeahs.jpg
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I drive my BII with no sway bars

wobble comes from bad alignment or tire balance, loose wheel bearings, tie rods etc.

Removing the sway bars does make a difference on the road but its not too bad and its not like your truck will just fall over on its side.
try it and see

I had quick disco's on the BII for years, they worked great, but eventually I would just leave them disconnected daily, then finally I completley removed them. I have adjustable shocks so putting them on stiff helps fight the new body roll

are your sway bars dc'ed? My rear flex's way more than that with them dc'd.

Your rear also flexes more because your front doesn't flex as much as his. Yes his bars are connected but it still won't show as much flex as your on the same height obstacle.

Sway bars just get in the way. ;)

i didnt really feel much of a difference when i got rid of my rear sway, but i also have add a leafs

i didnt really feel much of a difference when i got rid of my rear sway, but i also have add a leafs

i also have add a leafs, i get my truck back tomorrow, im gonna take them off, go out to the river, put my ex right back on that grand am, and take a pic, and post to see the difference. :salute:

nice looking ex happy.

i didnt really feel much of a difference when i got rid of my rear sway, but i also have add a leafs

i second that take the rear sway bar off its not a big deal didnt really notice a difference. i cant speak for the front my front sway bar is still connected

no my sway bars are still connected. Ive been pondering the idea of disconnecting thre rears just to see... I had been using it as my DD, so i didnt want the negative affect of driving highway miles without my swaybar. Does it make that much of a difference? we basically have the same lift i have 2 inch coils/2 inch spacers. aal/shackles 2 inch PA BL
I barely noticed a difference.

Thanks for losing a member guys. :rolleyes:

j602, badmonkey, stevewes2004... don't bother posting in the "Before and After" forum again, because I'll probably delete your post.

Good job guys... remember our rule about berating others?? Constructive criticism is fine, there's no reason to be nasty if you don't like someone elses ride.

Good job guys... remember our rule about berating others?? Constructive criticism is fine, there's no reason to be nasty if you don't like someone elses ride.

Exactly Rick, can't be scaring off new people because you don't like their ride. For example: I don't care for lowered 4x4's because in my eyes it defeats the whole purpose of having 4 wheel drive. but I will compliment them on the work they've done on their ride.

The only thing I might say about your ride is if you have insulting decals on your ride and I think most of you know which decal I'm referring to and there is someone here that has it on their truck and even posted a picture of it......I think this guy has a cool ride except for the decal.....I was once at a service station when a guy came in with a nice lifted truck, but he has that decal on his truck, I told him to his face that I thought his truck was cool but that the decal was insulting

I apologize. Never meant to bring anyone down.

Hey copperfox........if you're still a member after us A## holes shot down your ride, I'm sorry.

To all,
My sincerest apologizes. I would never intentionally insult anyone or there vehicle, this was purely a case of making a joke and it going completely wrong. My truck sits about the same place as copperfox's and I value this site for the friends I have made and the advice I hope to continue to receive. Again my apologizes to all who might have been offended

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My Gen II

