Stuck X Really Stuck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stuck X Really Stuck

Yesterday me and my buddy went to this place in NorthHampton, MA called the Meadows. When we were driving around we came across this huge "puddle" around 2-3 feet deep water my buddy's Jeep made it though fine with alittle struggle in the end when he was out of the water and in just pure mud. Then my turn came i went moving along fine until right around the middle when i just slowly stopped. Thanks to my Junkyard special tires it is still stuck there today. We didnt have great tow straps and snapped 3 of them. We are going back there today in hopes to get it out. If anyone around this area would like to come give a hand if you have some nice towstraps, chains, winch, anything that will help the vehicle get out of its stuck situation would be so greatful because i do not have the money to afford a tow truck to winch me out. Please Call 1-508-314-0872 if you can help in anyway Thanks.

PS There will be pictures


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I hope you aired down the tires?

put some wood underneith the tires.

hope the truck is still runnin alright, i would've been worried shutting it off that deep!

most importantly though, you need to get some mods done and some bigger tires, and make sure you never erver let a HEEP beat you again!!! for shame....

Glad to see/hear you recovered your vehicle. Are you running a stock air box? If so your lucky your X got stuck where it was... The stock air box has a hidden snorkel that draws in fresh air @ bumper level (controlled via the vacuum hoses connected to the Bi-metal sensor within the air box) ...So even though your air box is mounted at the same height as your battery it would be easy for the snorkel to suck up water and hydrolock the engine (possibly bending/breaking a piston connecting rod)..

I was running a open air with all home depot parts. It runs ok but having a few electrical problems. The headlights wont turn off. The passenger power seat burnt out. Also my radio and my interior lights wont come off. I have all the seats out besides the driver hopefully will find some time today to pull it out along with the carpet. and get everything cleaned up and all nicey nicey.

OMFG...... Please tell me I was seeing things.... That jackarse of a tow-truck driver pulled it out BY THE TRAILER BALL???? And he attached a STRAP (aka rubber band) to the winch cable????

[Napoleon Dynamite voice on] Friggin IDIOT!!

Yet another reason I'll do it myself.... Never, ever, EVER attach a winch or strap to the trailer ball. Especially never attach a winch to a strap to a ball. That's like putting a 2-lb BB in a slingshot!!

Glad she's out of the mud though....


ibuytoys said:
How much was the bill for the recovery?

Arm, leg, kidney, and first-born son. :confused: :confused:

Lucky they came to get you...I've gotten work trucks stuck quite a bit and every tow company you call says they don't take their rigs off road. A few say no more than 100 Ft. from a paved road.

gijoecam said:
OMFG...... Please tell me I was seeing things.... That jackarse of a tow-truck driver pulled it out BY THE TRAILER BALL???? And he attached a STRAP (aka rubber band) to the winch cable????

[Napoleon Dynamite voice on] Friggin IDIOT!!

nothing weighting down the strap or cable, tow truck driver in decapitation position. Miracle no one got hurt.

Wasn't the driver crouching down behind the raised bed of the truck? Seems like that would be the safest position for him at least... The winch cable is at the front of the raised bed, so at least if something let loose, it *should* hit the bed or go up and over, but still.... no reason.... That was clearly someone who hasn't been around much, and whou should definately NOT be doing off-road towing!!


Yeah i was scared of he way he did it but it his winch wasn't long enough to reach it so we had to use that. It wasn't as much as i expected it to be it came out to be alittle less than 200. Wasn't to bad the truck its in all that bad shape. She is striped naked on the inside at the moment. The bumper is bent havent really look into it but it might just be the brackets and with some brute force should be back to where it was. And beside my electrical problems she is running good, just have to do some serious cleaning to the engine.

haha yeah wood wouldnt get you out of that

by hitch ball do you mean the bumper hitch or a class three hitch underneath.... I would think the class three would be plenty sturdy to attach to.... now the bumper... thats another story.

Next time don't wheel without recovery equipment. You should had atleast a tow strap and a come along. You could have anchored your friends jeep to a tree and used the come along to pull you out.

looks like my last stuck. roughly same depth, only about an inch from coming in the door sill. had to get winched out by a cough cough, jeep wrangler cough.

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