The custom grill writeup....Finally! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The custom grill writeup....Finally!


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Well boys and girs here we go. some have been waiting for this and to some this is new. Hope you all enjoy. ;)

Started off with your typical grill shown here

I purchased some grill material from Osh.

as you can see it comes in a 16"x30". Just make sure you buy it going the correct direction.

I then cut a piece 9"x 30" with a sawzall (cuts like butter :D)

Then painted black. *be sure to coat both sides this stuff will rust in no time!

After remoing the grill shell from the truck I cut out the center using a Dremal. But leaving space on each side.

As shown here. The reason why is because the grill material is 30" wide and the opening is 31" wide :banghead: What can I say! :rolleyes: So by leaving room on both side it will fit. After the center of you grill is on the floor :eek:
you will end up painting those little pices on the sides that you left as shown in the picture of the opening.

Your grill should fit snug in between these two tabs you left. this will hope hold the grill in too. Then I installed small "L" brakets to hold in the top snug forward. I used a cople of screws at the bottom to hold it forward there. For the most part the grill will hold it self in by those tab you left.

This is what it will look like..

Now we install back on the this point don't forget to put your "FORD" badge back on if you want it. (just screws on)

I installed lights before putting my griil back on....

This is pretty easy. The pasenger side hole is there but a drivers hole will need to be drilled. I then used a 2.5" piece of square stock to rise the lights up.

This is what you get... :cool:



I need to get a better picture :rolleyes: but my only problems have been the lights are to far into the grill and when on you get a crazy pattern from the grill on the outsides of you beam. It kinda funny. :p But they work! ;)

Hope you guys like. :cool:

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Very nice. Looks alot better that way.

Shoot! I like! Nice install, Stic-o!

Was it hard to Dremel the stock grill straight? Did you have to sand it smooth and straight?

Looks good, I don't think I'd cut my grill out though.

That looks great. My friend and I did the same thing a while back, except we put four lights in the grille. 2 big driving, and two little fogs.

X~FACTOR said:
Shoot! I like! Nice install, Stic-o!

Was it hard to Dremel the stock grill straight? Did you have to sand it smooth and straight?

Actually I learned that the dremel is spining fast enough that it kinda melts the plastic as it cuts it. So when your done the burs just snap off and leave you a smooth edge.

As far as stright...just follow the line that is already part of the mold. Draw your line with a sharpee first ;) Think before you go cutting!

wow! I actually really like that and am thinking I'll definitely do that in the future. I usually hate aftermarket grills too, but this one makes it look like those honey comb grills on the expeditions, f150's and rangers.

So how do you open your hood now? Did you just add a bar or something to the hood release?

Yes the latch is right under hood when you pop it. so it's fine.

Oh, I was wondering, because on mine (96), my release is through the grill, if I put an insert on it would make mine impossible to get to.

looks sweet!

Nice work and write up...It was gutsy to remove the inner part of the grill (not knowing how it will look in the end).

i did the same mod to my 93 (minus cutting the plastic grille), but the problem i had is that the expanded metal rusted after 2 months. I even painted the metal with some clearcoat. What is your grill made out of??

Mp3SUV said:
i did the same mod to my 93 (minus cutting the plastic grille), but the problem i had is that the expanded metal rusted after 2 months. I even painted the metal with some clearcoat. What is your grill made out of??
It is steel. I used 1 coat of Rust o lem simi-gloss black both sides. So far so good! ;)

Mp3SUV said:
i did the same mod to my 93 (minus cutting the plastic grille), but the problem i had is that the expanded metal rusted after 2 months. I even painted the metal with some clearcoat. What is your grill made out of??

Ask someone at the hardware store for "Expanded Aluminum" As you know Aluminum doesn't rust.

i dont think i can do it to mine because right behind the grill for my explorer theres a tranny cooler so i dont think i can do much unless i move it

Sallad420 said:
Oh, I was wondering, because on mine (96), my release is through the grill, if I put an insert on it would make mine impossible to get to.
Yeah that looks really sweet and not too difficult, but on my 96 the hood latch is opened through the grill :(.

funnyperson1 said:
Yeah that looks really sweet and not too difficult, but on my 96 the hood latch is opened through the grill :(.
weren't those type of hood latches recalled, or am i thinking of a different year, because i know there was a recall on hood latches at one time.

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Nick26 said:
weren't those type of hood latches recalled, or am i thinking of a different year, because i know there was a recall on hood latches at one time.
If it was I didn't hear about it. This latch seems to be doing quite a fine job of snapping the hood down.
