Tire Fitment Q's.......... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire Fitment Q's..........


January 2, 2001
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Whats the largest size tire that will fit on an 92 explorer sport (no plastic trim) with a 3in body lift?

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Hey RyanR,

Welcome to the site..

Just to let you know I'm still a stocker (for now)but
from everything I've read on this board if you have a 2" susp. lift you can fit 31's with no prob. I would say you could probably fit 32's with no or little trimming with a 3" body lift..

Try doing a search for tire size.

Hope this help

and again Welcome...

Thanks for the welcome and the info. I accutally dont even have an explorer but I have been thinking about getting one to replace my ranger an I recently aquired some money so It looks like I'll be getting one soon. Thanks alot.

31's. Be a man and cut the plastic. Maybe 32's if you run the right offset on the rims. Why bodylift??? Is this a pavement princess?

Good luck anyhow.

A fella by the name of Dannyboy had a 3 inch booty lift and ran 32x11.50 another guy that I dont know his name ran 3 inch body lift with 33x10.50.


"Why bodylift??? Is this a pavement princess? "

No definatly not, I'm planning on doing a 3in body first and start savin up for sus next. Im also considering doing a D44 swap after the bod lift, I access to a shop Im just not shure what I want to do yet.

RyanR, forget the body lift save the money for some other modification. You'll be happier if you do. Of course, it does depend on what year Explorer you buy. If you want to drop in a D44, I would save my money for that or the suspension lift. We went through all the different stages with our Explorer and the body lift did nothing for us. We ended up getting rid of it as we modified more. Save the money and do it right the first time. Don't do it like we did and end up spending lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. If we knew then what we know now we would have saved the money and gone right to the D44 and custom suspension. Hind sight is 20/20. If you don't know which ride is ours, I'm Rick's (webmaster) wife.

Welcome to the board. If you do searches you will find many question have already been answered.
