Took car to the dealer today | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Took car to the dealer today


Well-Known Member
February 10, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Colts Neck, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport
Ok so I took my car to the dealer today, because there was a recal on the Cam was making weird sounds. Later this evening the guy from service called me and told me there was a "big problem". Apparantly one of the sounds that I brought it in for, was a part that was about to break. Now i don't remember exactly what he told me it was...nor do i know much about this stuff...but it was some sort of spring that had to do with the oil or something...oil pressure in the engine.. i don't know..maybe one of you guys knows what it is. Well apparently that broke when the guy took it out. The guy at the service desk said that if i had brought it in later it would have destroyed my engine and i would have needed a new one. So the part they ordered for me is on national back order, and won't be in until next monday. Basically the car is undriveable at the moment, and sitting at the dealer. It really sucks because I was planning on going home this friday, which I will ahve to put off till next friday......UGHH...ok just wanted to rant alittle about that....

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well, that sucks, but it could be worse; you could have blown up your engine :p

I know..that would really just glad i thought to have them check those sounds last week...if i had let it go i would have been screwed...then the car really would have been undriveable

That's a bit of good luck. Was that part covered by the warranty as well???? Post exactly what it was when you get the invoice, cause I'm sure others here with the SOHC engine will be very interested.......

yea im pretty sure the part is covered.. i will let you know next week when it comes in..

OK, so i got the car back on tuesday... a few days earlier than they said. Here is what was done on the invoice...the Cam chain recall was the main thing done. They found that the cassettes and oil pump drive were that part had to be replaced..this part was also on back order, and I was told this was not an uncommon problem on the 98's. They replaced the gasket cover and cylinder, as well as the oil pan...and some other things...but those were the main things done.. As a result of taking the engine apart...they had to do an oil change, AC recharge, and a coolant flush. Those were all under I got them for free :) ....thats kind of a plus...also they rotated and balanced my tires because i was getting a vibration on the highways...thats the only thing i paid for....this extended warranty is really paying off.. :)
