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dealer headaches *long*

TAKE PICTURES!!!!!!!!! That way you have visual evidence of everything if they decide to be pricks and refuse to fix anything. Photos will get you a loooongg way. It's also good because it will probably intimidate the dealership to know that someone is documenting their work.

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that sucks man. i got the shaft from a local dealar here as well when my paint peeled off my hood at 30k. i get pretty good sercive from a mercury dealer across town. but they quote insanely high prices for repairs. i just go when i have a coupon for an alignment and do repairs myself. this is the last ford i will ever own for at least a long time.

Dude, this story is rediculous. I would be PISSED. I would have to notify FoMoCo, there is some kinda hotline, I'm sure the number is around here somewhere.

I would file a formal complaint with the dealer.

People these days don't care about anything if it's not theirs. They think if they just throw something together and it works, then it's good enough. Getting people to do good work is next to impossible today. No one takes pride in there work, just get it out the door, Next.

I'm going through the same thing on a house. Decided to buy a new house, look at one he was building, say I want it exactly like this, except a few minor changes. Basically he hires the subs and they do what they want, and the excuse I get is, I can't change it now, they have to go by code. Any DIY will know there is a big diff between, "by code" and a good job. Nothing really major, just irratating.

Sorry to hack part of your thread, I just had a minor vent.

Trust me, as soon as I get the vehicle back, and its repaired correctly, I`m going to start running my mouth off to everyone I can think of. I`M GONNA HAVE SEVEN ON MY SIDE! They gonna be on the news buddy! Better Business Bureau, Ford Customer Service, etc.

Here is the direct number for the exec.
Ford Customer Service Division Manager
Jay D. Klahn. 313-845-7335

I got this number from
they have other exec's numbers on their if your interested

Well stopped by today, but the car wasnt ready, they are reordering the seals, and calling in a glass specialist to do the installation. So.... thats it for todays episode kiddies. Stay tuned probably wont get the car back till Friday.

Thanks guys for all your help and ears on this. Maybe it`ll help someone else out in the end. If theres anyone else you guys think of that I should be calling when this is settled, let me know.

It is truly a shame that Ford Corp does not care about their customers, or how the individual dealers do.
Other car manufacturers get directly involved with the customer and the dealer to make sure that the customer is satisfied and that the dealers are on their toes.
My wife bought a Jeep Liberty and she constantly get calls and letters from both Jeep Corp and the dealer asking me how she likes her vehicle, what problems she has encountered, if the dealer has met her expectations...It is really nice to know that Corp is behind the customer and will back you up and be on your side against a dealer....

I love my X but really hate FORD.

I had similiar problems with the local ford dealer here, Finially called Ford hotline, found the customer compliant number in my owners manual, The Ford place that was giving me sh*tty service did not like the fact I had called thier boss, A few things changed as far as the service i recieved. But basically wanted my compliant on record against that dealership. Found another dealer a little further away, excellent service, they even washed my Mounty before the gave it back!

Well, dealer called today, they just said to keep the rental through the weekend. I think its funny because when the guy originally told me he would grant me a rental car, but wouldnt do it on a weekend. Now hes stuck paying for atleast a week, maybe more! Karmas a *****! ;)

The end is near, I have the vehicle back, the window seals arent seated completely in the upper corner on both rear doors. Dealer swears up and down that it will seat after being in the sun. I dont believe it, but I made them put it in writing. I told them I would give them the benefit of the doubt, and give it two weeks. They are also replacing one of the black trim sections on the side of the rear door due to scratching it. They tried to buff it out, but was unsucessful. They also provided a tube of ford touchup paint free of charge for me. But as of now i have the vehicle back, awaiting the *hopefully* last part in this fiasco. Hopefully my agony will help someone else out. I`m going to call the glass company that did the work, and talk to them about it, and see what they think about the seal.
