Uwharrie 2024 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Uwharrie 2024


Well-Known Member
January 29, 2020
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somewhere in the swamps
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport 4x4
Well, folks, warmer weather is approaching, and I'm planning my third annual trip to Uwharrie on September 2-4. If anybody is interested, post here and I'll add you to the list of participants.

My plan is to arrive on a Monday afternoon, hit a few easy trails before sundown, ride all day on Tuesday, and leave on Wednesday morning. Which week, haven't decided yet.

There's plenty else to do in the Badin Lake area, so if anybody wants to come early and check the place out, bring a fishing pole or a kayak or a mountain bike or a horse. Dirt bikes and ATV's are welcome on designated trails. There are camp sites for rent, and primitive camping is allowed. Read up below!

As always, bring food, water, recovery gear, and a walkie-talkie, use common sense, and have fun!


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Prospective participants:

- Daniel "DintDobbs" ('99 Explorer)
- Nick "DemonMudder" ('99 Explorer)
- Daniel "DannyW" ('95 Explorer)
- Sean "Rust Problem"
- Patrick "aka.Kletus"
- Steven "Swyandt"
- Jason "JJbyrd"
- Eric "Carnage_95YJ"
- Russell "SK6ACTUAL"
- Trish "triciabeaver"

These are the ones I've been told about who might be coming, but I don't know yet. They're the ones who don't communicate, so I don't know how many rigs/ATV's/trailers they will be bringing.
- Ben
- Will
- Chris

I can assume with reasonable certainty that none of them would be interested in sharing our camp site, even if it was possible, based on their past travel practices. I told the one coordinating their end of things that DannyW's invitation was for 10 rigs, and we're already booked (since I'm bringing two). You can thank me later.

Suggestions for stuff to bring:

- Food and water
- First-aid kit
- Jack and handle
- Portable air compressor/pump (airing down is highly recommended!)
- Walkie talkie
- Recovery strap/boards/winch/whatever
- RATCHET STRAPS (to tie down any thing and every thing that you don't want to hit the walls, ceiling, passengers, or windows)
- Spare tire
- Possessions that you do not care if they are lost or destroyed

Suggestions for stuff NOT to bring:

- Kids (seriously, this place can be hazardous and you wouldn't want to roll over with kids in the car)
- Pets (at least kids have seat belts - pets could become projectiles!)
- Any thing in glass bottles
- Possessions that you would miss if they were lost or destroyed

I'm not picky about who leads or tail guns, but I've been there a few times and don't mind leading if I have to. That said, this is NOT an organized event - splitting up isn't a crime, and nobody's going to be called chicken for trying not to destroy their rigs (which is easy to do here).

Any further helpful suggestions or recommendations will be added to this post.

@DemonMudder @DannyW Any interest this time around? If so, feel free to ping anybody else you know might be interested... worst case scenario, they can make it next year. Like last year, family, friends, and more rigs are welcome as well!

Closer to September probably works for me, working two jobs and both get real busy over the summer, plus I need as many hours as I can get even by that point. So September would be best for me asking time off since things will be slowing down, plus hopefully it'll start cooling back off by that point again and the sun will feel good rather than scalding! lol

Plus, if we wait that long, hopefully, just maybe, I'll have Deathrow back up and running! Got one last shopping cart worth setup and waiting to fix this truck up, and hopefully that's the last of everything for a damn good while! Even while I do that I'm putting some cash aside towards buying the timing chain stuff for the X, I want its mileage and performance back since even though the 1500 WAS making better mileage, it certainly ain't on 37s now! lol
Let ya know once we get closer but I'm interested for sure!

Definitely later. I'm not doing July again. 105 degrees is too much for me :)
I am heading down there this weekend for a short run and get my season pass. Will be down by the river on Friday, leaving Sunday.
The trails open the 15th.

As for the specific date, pretty much any time. I'm in tight with the boss and get leave for the asking. ;)

@DemonMudder, How awesome would it be to have 3 Explorer's at the same camp? We could pull out 3 jeeps at once!


Definitely later. I'm not doing July again. 105 degrees is too much for me :)
I am heading down there this weekend for a short run and get my season pass. Will be down by the river on Friday, leaving Sunday.
The trails open the 15th.

As for the specific date, pretty much any time. I'm in tight with the boss and get leave for the asking. ;)

@DemonMudder, How awesome would it be to have 3 Explorer's at the same camp? We could pull out 3 jeeps at once!

Would definitely be grand! Hopefully got her running again by then, but that'll be the biggest repair I've done myself, so no telling how long it'll take or if I do it right. But dang well should be running before then whether I fix it or not! Know Lee mentioned maybe trying to come down and help later this year if I hadn't, so hopefully, especially since hes messed with that stuff before!
I can probably get the time off as well, shouldn't be understaffed by that point, and like you I'm pretty close with my boss, just later works best for busy sake

All right, so far we're squaring up to some time between late August and early October. I don't want to push it too late into the year, but I understand that you fellas aren't down for that NC heat again.

It's a lot easier for me to get time off during the week than it is to get a week end, but I can probably make it happen on a week end if that's a make or break deal for any of you.

All right, so far we're squaring up to some time between late August and early October. I don't want to push it too late into the year, but I understand that you fellas aren't down for that NC heat again.

It's a lot easier for me to get time off during the week than it is to get a week end, but I can probably make it happen on a week end if that's a make or break deal for any of you.
Sounds good! The week days usually work best over here too, but can get a weekend if preferred.

Sept/Oct would be preferred, and a long weekend thing is also better for me, but not necessarily a deal breaker if not.
How many days were you thinking?

@DemonMudder Week days it is, partner! In our walks of life, week ends are not worth the fights it takes to get them.

@DannyW I really don't want to push it into October, but could if we have to. It's preferable to use my vacation time early-ish in the year, because everybody else is fighting to burn up theirs at the end and/or for the holidays, and we can't all be off at the same time. Any time civilized society would expect to be able to take time off, especially during long holiday weekends, is the least likely time I'll be able to have off. My place of business capitalizes on all of the people who are off at those times.

Let me know what works best for you, and I can narrow it down some more. The sooner I turn in my vacation requests, the more likely I am to be able to get what I ask for.

So, with that said, how many days, and which days, depends on who you're talking to, and how many people we end up with. What takes 2 rigs one afternoon might take 6 rigs two days. We don't all have to be there for all of it. I'm planning to be out there for 2-3 days, most probably starting on a Tuesday afternoon and ending on a Thursday morning (could possibly adjust that to Monday through Wednesday if necessary), depending on who wants to do what, and how long it takes. I'm just coming for the trail runs, but some other folks in the group might want to do other things too, so I'm willing to accommodate that. I just prefer to spend my time behind the wheel.

Also, I don't know yet whether a local group coordinated by an acquaintance is coming or not. This is prospectively a group of 3-6 people, some rigs and some ATV's, whose driving habits I don't necessarily condone. The one responsible for coordinating that group is horrible at clear communication, so may be I can accidentally give them the wrong date or some thing. In any case, they won't likely stay with our boring group for long any way, so hopefully they won't be a problem.

P. S. @DannyW Are you thinking to invite your sons again? They were good fellas to have in the group. They don't have to feel obligated to bash up their rigs, I can take a couple of passengers if needed.

They really ain't, but I can try and make whatever work!

That Monday-Wednesday works for me, business is closed Mondays so I already have that, plus I have sundays off already to prep ahead too. But the tuesday to Thursday works too! Not sure if I'll be bringing the X for the 4wd or the Rado for the lift, tires, and lack of care for the body..oh well, got time to decide!

Rowdy bunch, huh? well ya got time to decide if ya want to throw them off the trail or not! lol

@DemonMudder Monday-Wednesday it is, then! Just gotta decide on which week, for which we might want to wait a bit and see if this garners any more attention before we slap a date on it that we might have to change later. I'll give it a week or two and see what happens.

"Rowdy" may be a bit safe for these people, I use that term to describe my own driving (DannyW knows). I've gotten wheels off the ground many times, but these people just throw caution to the wind. Driving into water over the handle bars, falling off backwards, always breaking stuff (no bones that I'm aware of, yet). I don't want the guy to feel excluded, but I wouldn't be sad if none of his group showed up.

For your advance information, expect to leave this place with damage. I bent one of my lower control arm mounts last year (minor) and bashed the tire into the rear fender well so hard it bent the lip the year before that (stance was lower and wider then). I think DannyW was the only one who didn't hit some thing last year.

I'd recommend the Explorer for dimensions alone - there are plenty of trails that it can take that the Silverado would be too long, wide, and may be tall to really have fun with. And if it's wet, you'll regret not having 4WD. The official promotional media advises that trail ratings are doubled in difficulty when it's wet. The clay turns into slimy goop that clogs up tire treads.

Dang, overkill it is then..

Fair enough, X it is lol
hopefully the small bit of lift and 32s will be fine then, hopefully I'll have the winch and bumper for it by then too

@DintDobbs - We don't have to push out to October, but September is way better than August for me. I think we have several events in August.
I won't know about Sean & Patrick 'till we have a date set for them to ask about. I may ask a buddy or 2 here in Yancey County if they want to roll with us, but again, after a date is set. Most of my friends are poor working slobs like me and have to ask off.
If it's going to be Mon - Wed, that will limit a lot of folks doing the work week thing. I will probably head down the Friday night before and get some fishing and hiking in.
I may bring a 5 yr old granddaughter, my wife's 2 little yorkies, and some of the canning we do in mason jars for eats.
(LOL - did I check all the boxes?)

PS - are you pulling with Hazey this time? Just wondering - it would be another Ex in camp. :)

@DemonMudder There are some obstacles none of us are going to risk our rigs over, so nobody's going to get called chicken for taking a few side cuts. Most of the tough obstacles have established bypasses so lighter-equipped vehicles can still get through without issue. Many of the trails are plenty easy enough that you could probably do them in a road car (see YouTube for details), so everybody gets to have all the fun.

@DannyW Yeah, I figured September should be a nice in-between for everybody. Good balance of weather and temperature, and no big holidays to fight co-workers over. I'm aware of the group availability issues during the work week; perhaps if you're feeling particularly adventurous, you could bring a group for the week end and then run again with the Explorers during the week, ha ha! Not sure how much your granddaughtter would appreciate that, though.

Speaking of which, as long as you've got ratchet straps, you'll be fine. That way no young'uns, doggos, or tasty treats get yeeted into the void! Ha!

As much as I'd like to say Hazey can make the trip, she doesn't have a proper trailer hitch, nor do I think the SOHC/5R55E is the best combination for towing a 7500-pound load through mountains. The Gas-Guzzler Rango can pull that all day without breaking a sweat, plus I don't care if that one gets a few dings and scratches along the way.

@DemonMudder There are some obstacles none of us are going to risk our rigs over, so nobody's going to get called chicken for taking a few side cuts. Most of the tough obstacles have established bypasses so lighter-equipped vehicles can still get through without issue. Many of the trails are plenty easy enough that you could probably do them in a road car (see YouTube for details), so everybody gets to have all the fun.

@DannyW Yeah, I figured September should be a nice in-between for everybody. Good balance of weather and temperature, and no big holidays to fight co-workers over. I'm aware of the group availability issues during the work week; perhaps if you're feeling particularly adventurous, you could bring a group for the week end and then run again with the Explorers during the week, ha ha! Not sure how much your granddaughtter would appreciate that, though.

Speaking of which, as long as you've got ratchet straps, you'll be fine. That way no young'uns, doggos, or tasty treats get yeeted into the void! Ha!

As much as I'd like to say Hazey can make the trip, she doesn't have a proper trailer hitch, nor do I think the SOHC/5R55E is the best combination for towing a 7500-pound load through mountains. The Gas-Guzzler Rango can pull that all day without breaking a sweat, plus I don't care if that one gets a few dings and scratches along the way.
Oh for sure, I can be crazy but I don't get stupid (usually lol). Guess I'll have to go check out some vids on it, appreciate the tip! I'm sure it'll be great!

Aw man, no Hazey...oh well, still be fun!

Well, I'm going to narrow this down to either the 1st week in September (2-4) or the third week (16-18) due to the projected occurrence of a meeting on the second week. If they reschedule that meeting, too bad for them.

9/2 is Labor Day, anybody have thoughts for it? A lot of people have plans and parties, so that might make it harder for those people to attend. A lot of people have that week end off, so there might be higher traffic on the trails at that time, for the people who don't have plans and parties. And a lot of us will have to put in vacation requests months in advance because if we don't, then some one else's plans and parties will take our time slots. Let me know what works for you fellas, and I'll plan accordingly.

Wheel on Labor Day, or nah?

I'm not opposed, and as said, I can just about any day off with enough notice, so if I let them know now it's about guaranteed, unless someone quits randomly like a couple weeks ago which ruined my time off request for something else coming up soon, but oh well, if it happens it happens. But long as that works for everyone else I'm good for it!

Ladies and gentlemen, the date is set. Monday 9/2 through Wednesday 9/4 is when the big event goes down.

My vacation time has been requested. @DemonMudder and all others who know the game, put in your requests now, before every one else does!

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Ladies and gentlemen, the date is set. Monday 9/2 through Wednesday 9/4 is when the big event goes down.

My vacation time has been requested. @DemonMudder and all others who know the game, put in your requests now, before every one else does!
10-4, I'll let 'em know tomorrow!
