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Yomie's D30 SAS

Ok i figured i would go ahead and post this in the projects because i am already starting to gather up my parts.

I will be going with a HP D30 out of a '94 YJ, i will try to go ahead an list everything i am going with here

'94 HP D30(YJ) (in garage)
TJ alloy axle shafts (1 piece) (decided to hold off on these)
4.56 gears, powertrax
'79 Waggy springs and shackles, SOA
'94 Explorer Steering pump AND box
22" Stainless brake lines (RE1550) (on order)

SOA in the rear with blocks

PLease post any questions here if you have any

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TJs had alloy shafts? Weird, they went to a weaker pumpkin, but to a stronger shaft. What are the shafts gonna run ya? I have a set of Warn shafts for the YJ. I may have some other stuff you might be interested in for the project.

Good Luck with the project and keep us informed!!

Robb, they are aftermarket shafts that a jeeper guy has, i havent seen them yet.

I'm going with TJ shafts to eliminate the YJ 2 piece shafts, so i don't have to worry about the axle dissconect, the front end will always be engaged like the 97+ D35 is. I guess thechnically they aren't TJ shafts, but thats what they call them cause they are 1 piece shafts, like the TJ has

What do you have that i may be able to use?

Yea, that is what I figured. Just need to make sure the TJ shafts are the correct length and spline count. The Warn YJ shafts I have are allow and the pass side is a one piece........that is why I was huch much you were putting in them. I got the shafts in the FSOT forum somewhere.

PM me a list of the smaller stuff that you may need. I may have stuff like ubolt mounts with shock mounts, drag link, trac-bar, spring mounts, Rancho 9000Xs, etc that you might be able to use.


ok, started working on the axle, grinding down brackets that i don't need (trac bar), removing SUA perches and all, replacing ball joints and so forth, i also picked up my 91-94 explorer steering box and pump today.

I will be using the spring hangers that ROBB (made by CRL) had as well as a s- Drag link. I'm undecided on using stock waggy springs or if i wanna use the Rancho 44044 springs. Well here is the most current pic of the axle


I also Blew a D35 hub this weekend so while i was fixing it i was setting the axle under there for some preliminary measurments, so keep an eye out, i'll have a D35 hub for sale with like 1000 miles on it come december


Yeah yeah yeah, i know my garage is wayy too clean

Nice cheetah sheets:p

Oh yea, the truck sounds like it is gonna be cool as hell...keep us updated.

Originally posted by GaSouthern1
Nice cheetah sheets:p

lol, i had to keep the axle warm ;)

'94 Explorer steering box


Looks like you've got a start. BTW, you won't need the steering pump, just the lines for the 1st gen.

Originally posted by JoshC
Looks like you've got a start. BTW, you won't need the steering pump, just the lines for the 1st gen.

Well thats good news to me, the only reason i got the 91-94 pump, is because Gabe (buchvilleman) kept blowing PS lines, I'm going to get the truck together with my current pump, My current pump is about on its last leg though, so when it does finnally decide to choke i'm going to put in this reman 94 pump i have.

I have just about everything i need right now, except for the D30 tie rod, calipers, and F250 shock towers, hopefully on thanksgiving i will start cutting:D

Josh i was just wondering if you were still using the vacume cap for your front axle engagement

look at the steering box pic..... am i the only one who sees the irony?

Belltech Rear Lowering Block Kit


Yeah i saw that James. He can't decide if he wants to be an off roader or a low rider!

Reg, yeah i am still using those caps. But i'm about to buy a vacuum solenoid from the chevy dealership that runs a vacuum off of a switch, that was i can switch it and it will lock the PS shaft in. I'd like to have a solid shaft on that side, but it locks my locker in when i turn corners, so that wouldn't do me any good.

lol, that box is full of u-bolts.

Josh when you get that vacume solenoid, pm me some details about it.

Yeah i'll get back with you about that. It's pretty simple. It's got a power wire for a switch and a ground wire. When you turn it on, it creates a vacuum, so you run your lines from the stock actuator on the axle, up to this soleniod, then boom, you've got it working. But i'll let you know how it goes.

Got my F-250 shock towers in the mail today, these things are bigger than i thought they would be. i don't think i will have a problem running a shock with 13" of travel


don't know if you already posted this, but what kind of shocks were you going with?

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These shocks are just goign to be a temporary shock (as of right now, uness i like them) Once i get the axle in the truck i am going to have to measure for the proper shock length....in the mean time, the shock you see in the picture is a Gabriel VST (Auto Zone) Part # G63438 ($16.99 a piece) These shocks have 12.5" of travel. In the picture they are fully compressed and are about as long as my keyboard, fully extended just picture it 12.5" longer!

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