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Yomie's D30 SAS

Ok i figured i would go ahead and post this in the projects because i am already starting to gather up my parts.

I will be going with a HP D30 out of a '94 YJ, i will try to go ahead an list everything i am going with here

'94 HP D30(YJ) (in garage)
TJ alloy axle shafts (1 piece) (decided to hold off on these)
4.56 gears, powertrax
'79 Waggy springs and shackles, SOA
'94 Explorer Steering pump AND box
22" Stainless brake lines (RE1550) (on order)

SOA in the rear with blocks

PLease post any questions here if you have any

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ok, i got a little sneak peak of where i am standing right now with this. I don't have time to upload all the pics right now, but i'll give you one to drool over till i get the rest up

Here it is sitting on my 33's

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Yeeaaahh boy. We need some more pictures!


Heres another, gotta get working on it again, i'll post back later today!

I used leaf spring perches from CRL customs, New 79 Grand waggy springs, early exploder box, and soa in the rear.

Ok fellas... Here is the quick rundown of the weekend..
We cut stuff off


We cut and grinded at the same time

Carl welded.......

Jeff and Reggie Wrenched..

Then we pulled the 8.8 to spring over

Here is finished product ...... At Ride hight..

This is the stuff that was left over...

I will have more pics of the whole truck when i get the pics up;loaded

looks good. you need tires. :D get out the sawzall, and try out the new 36" swamper IROK's.

Originally posted by james t
looks good. you need tires. :D get out the sawzall, and try out the new 36" swamper IROK's.

I thought about it, but that tire is over 37" tall, but you can't beat it at $165 a tire.

I actually have a deal going with a friend, 36x12.5 15 Mickey T Baja Belted. All 5 for the price of 1......i'm broke so i had to say yes

So is it drivable? That was a quick swap.

What did you do about the ABS? I just took my unit out and i had to run new lines to the front.

Looks Great Yomie!!!

Hey Josh, I guess you figured out which reservoir went to which end of the truck. What is it?


Originally posted by JoshC
So is it drivable? That was a quick swap.

What did you do about the ABS? I just took my unit out and i had to run new lines to the front.

Yes it is driveable, i drove it home 90 miles without a sway bar to get home, It drive so smooth. We have about 50 hours into the swap, i had all the stuff i needed to start with, only 1 trip to the store for some antifreeze, i relocated my lower rad hose, cause of the steering box.

I'm going to be putting the sway bar on this weekend hopefully, i am currently driving the truck to work, it drives soo good.

My ABS box is in the truck still at the moment, probably going to take it out. I used Rubicon Express (RE 1550) 22" long brake lines and they conected straight to the exploder lines.

Looking good Yomie, I guess this means there's no chance of you ever lowering it again. :D :p

Originally posted by Doug
Looking good Yomie, I guess this means there's no chance of you ever lowering it again. :D :p

nope :D

Some pics i jsut took





I am actually not using the gabriel shocks i posted before, they were to short, i am now using Ranch RS5036's which are 36" fully extended. And the smilies are the trademark of my wheeling club, 2 Big Bronco's 4x4 club, delta chapter

I ended up replacing my stock rad hose with a flexible hose, so my PS Box didn't crimp it

And Rancho rear shocks painted black

didnt spend alot of prep time on that rear axle huh?

It looks awsome dude...... Cant wait till you get bigger tires.


Good job Reggie. That will look BAD with some 35s or 36s. Are your reverse shackles going to hurt off roading? Dragging wise?

Um, I'm curious, ain't them shackles at a lil bit too much of a vertical state when at normal ride height? Shouldn't there be more slope towards the rear of the vehicle.

As far as the front shackles go, these are too long, i'm going to replace them with some 2" shorter shackles. Once the shorter shackles go in they will be at a more swept back state at ride height. and these shackles will go on the rear (so i will have a 4" shackle up front and 6" in the rear) should look much better as well as perform better.

As far as the shackles go, i don't know if they will affect too much offroad, i'm in Flat Mississippi and all we have here is trails with mud holes, some occasional ditches and 2' hills, so i think i will be fine.

Josh if you look through these pictures, you will see. These were taken at our local ORV park

I think i am going to get some 36's for now, i have a friend with a set of practically new Mickey T Baja Belted's he needs to get rid of, the spare has never touched the ground, 36x12.5

I think you should leave the back where it is and then put your front shackles on. Back looks higher anyways.

Did you do any reinforcing on the frame for the steering box?

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Originally posted by Yomie
I think i am going to get some 36's for now, i have a friend with a set of practically new Mickey T Baja Belted's he needs to get rid of, the spare has never touched the ground, 36x12.5

I suppose if you're getting a killer deal on them, they might be worth it, but my buddy runs them on his YJ. A set of 33's and for mud they're a joke. Actually over all, they're pretty worthless. About as good as an A/T if that.
