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2017 seats into a 2016 PUI


New Member
March 14, 2024
City, State
carmel ny
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 PUI Interceptor
I swapped over the original passenger seat sensor and mat into the 2017 seats and installed.
Controls are backwards and the airbag light is on.
Thoughts on getting airbag light off. No codes

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I swapped over the original passenger seat sensor and mat into the 2017 seats and installed.
Controls are backwards and the airbag light is on.
Thoughts on getting airbag light off. No codes
Ok. so I brought a new cable and forscan said it was my drivers seat restraint and track sensor.
Getting closer

Ok. so I brought a new cable and forscan said it was my drivers seat restraint and track sensor.
Getting closer
Are all the controls backwards or just some? The motors work in reverse when the power and ground are flipped, so that should be an easy fix. For the track sensor check that the wires in both sides of the main harness connectors line up. In some cases they use different terminals so your track sensor wire may be in a different location on the seat side of the harness than on the body side. If this is the case it can be easily solved by re-pinning the wires.

Are all the controls backwards or just some? The motors work in reverse when the power and ground are flipped, so that should be an easy fix. For the track sensor check that the wires in both sides of the main harness connectors line up. In some cases they use different terminals so your track sensor wire may be in a different location on the seat side of the harness than on the body side. If this is the case it can be easily solved by re-pinning the wires.
I looked at the connectors to flip the wires. Illneed to research more on dislodge-ing the wires from their catch. I sid go around and reconnect all the connectios and it seems I forgot to swap the drivers seat belt catch.
Thanks for your help!
Next is getting the heated seat to work. Any thoughts on that?

I looked at the connectors to flip the wires. Illneed to research more on dislodge-ing the wires from their catch. I sid go around and reconnect all the connectios and it seems I forgot to swap the drivers seat belt catch.
Thanks for your help!
Next is getting the heated seat to work. Any thoughts on that?
So.. The positive and negative are swapped between the years. I put the old harness in and cleared all the codes. I'll run my own wires for the seat motor and heating cooling stuff.

Glad you got it working. For the heated seats I have always just forgone installing it due to uncertainty with how it is controlled. It could be that when putting power to the heated seat wires that the seat just goes to a certain temperature and stays there until toggled off. If thats the case then hotwiring the heated function to an on/off switch would work just fine. However I think it is more likely that some module regulates the heat and without everything being hooked up to the correct modules that hotwiring will result in a heated seat element that overheats. I have not found someone who can confirm how it is regulated and for that reason I have never hooked it up. If you have sync already and upgrade to the touchscreen and all the Explorer body harnesses then it will most likely time and money, that sounds like a lot of work for a warm bum.

Glad you got it working. For the heated seats I have always just forgone installing it due to uncertainty with how it is controlled. It could be that when putting power to the heated seat wires that the seat just goes to a certain temperature and stays there until toggled off. If thats the case then hotwiring the heated function to an on/off switch would work just fine. However I think it is more likely that some module regulates the heat and without everything being hooked up to the correct modules that hotwiring will result in a heated seat element that overheats. I have not found someone who can confirm how it is regulated and for that reason I have never hooked it up. If you have sync already and upgrade to the touchscreen and all the Explorer body harnesses then it will most likely time and money, that sounds like a lot of work for a warm bum.
Yes.. my thoughts as well.
I will get a male harness end from a car that has all the bells and whistles and hook the power up for the seat adjustments and a button to hot wire the seat coolers.
The heater.. well.. well see.... If I find anything out I'll post back here

Yes.. my thoughts as well.
I will get a male harness end from a car that has all the bells and whistles and hook the power up for the seat adjustments and a button to hot wire the seat coolers.
The heater.. well.. well see.... If I find anything out I'll post back here
please do, both my PIU's have heated seats that are not hooked up and here in Alaska they would be nice.

please do, both my PIU's have heated seats that are not hooked up and here in Alaska they would be nice.
I installed after market seats in my truck years ago.
It was a 30 amp fuse and a 3 way switch. so I just assumed that position 1 was 10 amps, position 2 was 20 amps and position 3 was 30 amps.
I'll see what I can find out

I installed after market seats in my truck years ago.
It was a 30 amp fuse and a 3 way switch. so I just assumed that position 1 was 10 amps, position 2 was 20 amps and position 3 was 30 amps.
I'll see what I can find out
What you have is a PIU. Police Interceptor Utility. ;)


Heated seats are controlled by the hvac module
I plan to run the wires from my seats to the module but i haven’t done it yet
(I also have a new hvac module from a vehicle that had heated i don’t know if it can be activated in piu)
