5.0 timing cover removal struggle | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 timing cover removal struggle

What’s this talk about rtv in the woodruff key slot?
Sorry, late back to this thread… you put rtv in the slot to prevent any oil seepage through that slot if I remember correctly. Turned out my project had a cracked block after I did all that work, I ended up buying a used 5.0 off of eBay for $600 with 120k on it and had that installed. Ran great plus tons of new parts and then I sold it six months later because I needed money for the closing costs on my house. I’m wondering if I should’ve kept that old 5.0 because now I’m waiting on having the time free to pull the 4.0 out of my 07 explorer because the timing is shot :banghead:

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yes should have kept the 5.0 LOL

the silicoln on the woodruff key is there just to hold it in place, they install some from the factory.
I have never heard of using it to stop oil seepage, that is what the front main seal is for.

I agree that smashing the oil pan gasket first and then tightening the rest of the TC bolts is the way to go

yes should have kept the 5.0 LOL

the silicoln on the woodruff key is there just to hold it in place, they install some from the factory.
I have never heard of using it to stop oil seepage, that is what the front main seal is for.

I agree that smashing the oil pan gasket first and then tightening the rest of the TC bolts is the way to go
The Haynes manual recommends putting a dab of rtv before putting the the pulley back on. Prob not necessary as there wasn’t any rtv put there from the factory.

there is RTV on the woodruff key from the factory, otherwise it falls right out of the slot in the crank
It is simply there to keep the key from moving while you install/pull the balancer

Ditto, the woodruff key slot is extremely unlikely to leak oil past the crank bolt. That's where any oil would have to come out, and you won't find any reports of a leak there. I never used any RTV on that key, just oil which held it long enough to start the balancer.
