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Martin Torres

Elite Explorer
March 24, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Woodland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 4x4 Limited
I've never been to a forum that has so many pop-ups and ads. I realize this is generating money for somebody but is there a way to make this more usable? If I'm using my phone, the pop-ups fill up the whole page and I can't even see anything and I have to keep closing them down and then I end up losing what I'm doing. If this is just the way it is, please tell me so.

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I've never been to a forum that has so many pop-ups and ads. I realize this is generating money for somebody but is there a way to make this more usable? If I'm using my phone, the pop-ups fill up the whole page and I can't even see anything and I have to keep closing them down and then I end up losing what I'm doing. If this is just the way it is, please tell me so.

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I have made it so that non-paying members can search and see everything on the site for free. Many sites lock up content behind "paywalls". To me that is more frustrating than the ads when trying to research a single issue. I use a lot of forums as well, and pay to support those I use often.

I've never been to a forum that has so many pop-ups and ads. I realize this is generating money for somebody but is there a way to make this more usable? If I'm using my phone, the pop-ups fill up the whole page and I can't even see anything and I have to keep closing them down and then I end up losing what I'm doing. If this is just the way it is, please tell me so.
Spend the $20 annual fee and become a member. This site has saved me untold THOUSANDS of dollars over the 21 years I have been a member and the years I was a lurker. The knowledge I have gained here kept me from buying bad used Explorers and Mountaineers, allowed me to do any number of repairs efficiently and for just the cost of parts and kept me from getting gouged when having a shop do repairs. This is one of the, if not the, best forum site I have been a member of over the years. The folks here are eager to give excellent advice or just have fun shooting the crap together.

