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It happened again, another Explorer followed me home.

In other news, I finally went through a whole tank of gas, and even hot roding around town, I'm still getting 19mpg. I'm going to drive it easier and see what I can get out of it, this tank.

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In other news, I finally went through a whole tank of gas, and even hot roding around town, I'm still getting 19mpg. I'm going to drive it easier and see what I can get out of it, this tank.
i can never get above 13-14 with a mix of commuting on the 405 (essentially stop and go) and doing stuff on the weekends (mostly freeway)... and i don't even have a lead foot!!!! unless im merging onto the 118 or other fast moving freeway, this never sees above 3k, and most of the time never above 2500...

i imagine the sport weighs less and manual is more efficient, but by that significant of a margin- wow!

@Fix4Dirt My '00 Limited gets somewhere in the scope of 18-19-ish. The onboard computer claims 19.2, goes back and forth between 19.1 and 19.2 in town. It used to read 20-22 before the lift and A/T's.

My '99 Sport never got more than about 17 (the best my math figured, at least), even before the tires and regear. It was always on A/T's.

My RPM's hang around 2500 during most accelerations in both, although I do see 3000 every once and again in the Sport. These aren't designed to go fast, and they don't.

For the record, I always run 87 octane. I ran higher octane exactly one time when 87 was sold out, and didn't notice any difference in performance or fuel economy.

Fuel economy has every bit as much to do with coasting and braking as it has to do with acceleration. Minimizing stopped idle time is crucial to keeping the MPG's up.

Yes I got lucky, that could have really been bad! I do wish I would have found it afterwards, somebody else did. I see single ramps for sale on Facebook and Craig’s I keep hoping to buy mine back!

I understand that! Despite best efforts to keep them locked in I lost a ramp two summers ago also. I was wondering why the lady in the vw whi was tailgating me for about 30 miles suddenly dropped way back. I went to go buy a ranger and only had one ramp! Lucky the dude had a 2x12 and it worked to load the ranger. I retraced my steps but it was gone. Now I need to build another ramp, about $150 worth of 3” angle. When I do replace it I plan to add stake pocket stubs to my ramps so I can mount them on the sides when not in use… no longer putting them underneath… would have sucked to total a vw behind me due to my negligence!! The ramps just keep spitting out the pins that held them in place… I added springs to add tension, still didn’t work.

My ramps insert from each side and come together in the middle. I use two heavy duty ratchet straps to keep them in place. I had issues with the pins as well.

Yes I got lucky, that could have really been bad! I do wish I would have found it afterwards, somebody else did. I see single ramps for sale on Facebook and Craig’s I keep hoping to buy mine back!

Want to buy a single ramp? 😄

i can never get above 13-14 with a mix of commuting on the 405 (essentially stop and go) and doing stuff on the weekends (mostly freeway)... and i don't even have a lead foot!!!! unless im merging onto the 118 or other fast moving freeway, this never sees above 3k, and most of the time never above 2500...

i imagine the sport weighs less and manual is more efficient, but by that significant of a margin- wow!
I think one time when the ltd was running top nunch I saw 23 24 no that's not a misprints. Then I think calculating the mpg with the 94 I'm getting at least 13 but that's a five speed.

I think one time when the ltd was running top nunch I saw 23 24 no that's not a misprints. Then I think calculating the mpg with the 94 I'm getting at least 13 but that's a five speed.
if i do solely highway at 60 unloaded flat ground i get about 21-22 but thats as good as it gets

I once lost a 2 wheel dolly out of my delivery truck when I forgot to shut the rear door. Retraced my route and didn't find it. Somebody probably spotted it and picked it up immediately.
