New garage at the Horwitz house | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New garage at the Horwitz house

Since I started working on my Dodge Dart about 4 years ago, the Pumpkin lost it's home and had been stored outside. For three years the Mustang was stored outside under a cover. Since the Dart has been finished, I moved the Mustang back into the garage, but we needed more room to store vehicles so I could work on new projects in the attached garage.

To fulfill our needs we're building a 30x40 garage in the backyard for storage only, not as a shop. We broke ground on the project today getting the pad cleared of all the oleanders, piles of rock, sand, etc. Now we're just waiting on the county for our permits. :thumbsup: Unfortunately, unlike Jeff, I won't be doing any of the construction on this garage as I'm woodworking challenged;) We hired a contractor for this project.

Here are the first shots.... Nothing much to see, but I guess that's the point at this stage:D

Because of the way we have the landscaping set up around the house, we won't even be able to see the garage from the back of the house looking straight back. That's perfect as it won't get in the way of our view.




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All ready for tape and mud.

All ready for tape and mud.
Same crew?

Are you going for a smooth surface or just mud/tape the joints? Then comes the sealing and paint job..

Same crew?

Are you going for a smooth surface or just mud/tape the joints? Then comes the sealing and paint job..

I am not certain about the crew but I have a feeling it will be a separate crew.

Most everything out here is knock down texture. I don't think they will make it smooth.

Same company, different guy. The guy who is doing the tape and mud by himself is the boss. He dropped off the trailer with the scaffold for the hangers the other day. Moving right along now.:chug:

This guy definitely enjoys his work. Cranks up good music and sings and whistles along. :chug: First crew was listening to maricachi. This guy is listening to rock. :D

I'm impressed!

I'm impressed!

He finished the taping today. I'm not sure if he muds over the screws next, or if he does that at the same time that he textures.:dunno: He said he will be back Wednesday.

BTW, he was using some kind of electric tape dispenser.

He finished the taping today. I'm not sure if he muds over the screws next, or if he does that at the same time that he textures.:dunno: He said he will be back Wednesday.

BTW, he was using some kind of electric tape dispenser.
You sure it was electric? I see automatic feed dispensers that are manually operated. I never knew they existed. There is a specialty tool for everything.

Josh, are you referring to that expensive one for over $1K? I saw a few listings for that. They also have a complete kit for over $3K.
Yes, but there are other ones that do the same thing for less money

You sure it was electric? I see automatic feed dispensers that are manually operated. I never knew they existed. There is a specialty tool for everything.

I assumed it was electric because of the sound it made.

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I am hoping that tomorrow will be texture. I can't believe it's finally this close.:chug:
