Rebuilding my 4.0 SOHC | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rebuilding my 4.0 SOHC

I just noticed this flex plate has a half-dozen holes on one side. My other flex plates don't have this. This is the plate that came with the new block, so I'm wondering if the holes are balanced for the plate only or if it's particular to this engine. Does it need to go on a certain way?

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I would just use the factory flex plate

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I would just use the factory flex plate
My other flex plates look like seawater specials. This engine came out of an '04 explorer, and the flex plates match except for these six holes.


My other flex plates look like seawater specials. This engine came out of an '04 explorer, and the flex plates match except for these six holes.

View attachment 452063
Hmm not really sure then I don't think it would be different but I'm not sure

Hmm not really sure then I don't think it would be different but I'm not sure
The plates match in size, TC holes, and tooth count. Near as I can tell it is the same flex plate just with extra holes.

The plates match in size, TC holes, and tooth count. Near as I can tell it is the same flex plate just with extra holes.
I don't think it would make a difference other than maybe balance

Lol I honestly don't think it's will make any difference at all
I'm hoping it is just for balancing the plate itself. There were no key ways or guide marks indicating it should only go on a certain way.

I'm hoping it is just for balancing the plate itself. There were no key ways or guide marks indicating it should only go on a certain way.
Yeah it shouldn't matter I've rebuilt a couple SOHC engines and never had an issue with just installing the flex plate

So here I am, almost done, and about to put fluids in so I can start her up. Ford has used #8 filters on their light trucks for decades. My dad's '72 F250, all of our explorers, all ph8/s8 etc. Go to put on this brand new S8 oil filter, and it doesn't fit. Apparently '04 explorers, which my new block came out of, use an S2. What, dafuq. Discovered this at 10pm with work the following day, so test start has to wait. So close though!




Them valve covers look great!

FL-1A filter on the SOHC

FL-1A filter on the SOHC
Is that for the '99 sohc or the '04 sohc? I thought the FL-1A was for the '99? The block donor was an '04 explorer.

Them valve covers look great!
Thanks! If you look close up it's not the best paint job, but it will at least keep the aluminum covers from oxidizing. I hit the exhaust headers with the same VHT paint to keep them from rusting too.

Can´t you just swap out the filter leg from the 99 engine? If I remember correctly they were bolted on to the block.

Can´t you just swap out the filter leg from the 99 engine? If I remember correctly they were bolted on to the block.
I thought about that and was about to do so, but the bolt is behind the exhaust header at this point and is a bit long to clear before fully unthreading.

Oh not sure. I put the adapter from my ‘98 onto my ‘10 block
