Scouting New Tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scouting New Tires


New Member
August 8, 2023
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City, State
Brick, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'22 Explorer Timberline
At about 33k miles on my stock Bridgestone Revo 3 I am looking at new tires when I hit 40k, possibly sooner. These tires have been great, performace wise, but the wear anbd now nosie is not the best. Looking at the new Michelin Defender LTX MS2 or the Continental TerrainContact HT. The AT tires are nice but I don't truly need them, even driving off pavement daily for work. Any info anyone might have on these tires, or others of similar type, would be greatly appreciated.

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I've got LTX MS2 on our Expedition Max & they've been great so far, but only have a couple thousand miles on them yet.
Another option, Michelin Pilot Sport AS4.
We had the AS3+ on our Flex [2 sets] and they're a phenomenal tire, if you're only on pavement. Good long life out of them, too.

It'll likely be LTX MS2 or Sport AS4 for me when it's time.

For pavement only, I'd recommend Micheline A/S4 or Pirelli Weatheractive XL. Both have excellent tread wear. I had the Weatheractives installed last week and am very impressed.

Thanks to both of you. I do spend a decent amount of time off pavement, gravel roads, grass, dirt, sand mud etc so I think an all season tires would be just fine, nothing too street focused though. Tire size is 265-65 R18. Probably go with the Michelins here but those Conti HTs are tempting too, both having great reviews from real world applications. Probably splitting hairs and overthinking, I doubt I will be unhappy with either tire.

At about 33k miles on my stock Bridgestone Revo 3 I am looking at new tires when I hit 40k, possibly sooner. These tires have been great, performace wise, but the wear anbd now nosie is not the best. Looking at the new Michelin Defender LTX MS2 or the Continental TerrainContact HT. The AT tires are nice but I don't truly need them, even driving off pavement daily for work. Any info anyone might have on these tires, or others of similar type, would be greatly appreciated.
There are several existing threads on this topic that can be found using the 'Search' feature.
Here is one on the Timberline; New tires for 2022 Timberline
Here is another; Explorer ST on a dirt/gravel road

