Sync 3.4 Update 21020 and OTA Updates | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync 3.4 Update 21020 and OTA Updates

Ford has said that this is a known issue but I don't believe enough complaints have been raised for them to do anything to correct it quickly. I would go to your dealership to do so. The only known fix is to downgrade to version 20282 which my dealership said they have no way of doing. If you do downgrade make sure you do a Master Reset after then turn off WIFI and auto update. Mine has been working fine for about a week since I did it.
Well after mine downloaded 21020 Travel Link was working for 3 or 4 days. Then today it stopped once again. Even lost the audio once. So I plan to take it back in for service and see what happens. Figure the more that go in for service the better the chance of Ford coming up with a solution. I can always roll it back to 20282 if need be.

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Does anyone know what sw version TSB 21-2150 changes the system to?


  • TSB 21-2150.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 153

Well after mine downloaded 21020 Travel Link was working for 3 or 4 days. Then today it stopped once again. Even lost the audio once. So I plan to take it back in for service and see what happens. Figure the more that go in for service the better the chance of Ford coming up with a solution. I can always roll it back to 20282 if need be.
That's what happened to me. For sure TL worked after the 21020 update for some time. I don't really look at it very much and my wife drives the vehicle more than I.

Does anyone know what sw version TSB 21-2150 changes the system to?
It mentions updating to the latest software version which in this case would be 21020.


When I had mine in for that TSB there was no change made to the software. It remained at 21020

It mentions updating to the latest software version which in this case would be 21020.


Well that would make no sense since the issue is with ver 21020. I am reading on other forums that the TSB installs ver 20136 but retains the NAV NA 2 20.

Ford really screwed the pooch with Sync 3. I have a new RAM 2500 too (with the 12" screen) and Uconnect blows Sync away. I really hope Sync 4 is better.

Well that would make no sense since the issue is with ver 21020. I am reading on other forums that the TSB installs ver 20136 but retains the NAV NA 2 20.

Ford really screwed the pooch with Sync 3. I have a new RAM 2500 too (with the 12" screen) and Uconnect blows Sync away. I really hope Sync 4 is better.
I wouldn't want to go back to 20136. Version 20282 is newer and it worked fine for me. If I roll back again that is the version I will be using.

When I had mine in for that TSB there was no change made to the software. It remained at 21020
When my dealer ran that one, it went back to 20136. Ran rough and gave me a lot of weird indications, but it ran. But, they left the wifi/auto updates on (and I didn't check) and after a couple of days, 21020 showed up, along with all of the issues. I manually rolled back to 20282 but this time ensured that wifi/autoupdate are both OFF. Maps remained at NA 2.20. 20282 seems to run OK, if a little but slower than before this whole mess started.

I've had in car navs from Jaguar, Saab, Ram and SYNC 2 & 3 from Ford in previous cars. NEVER had a mess like this before. My previous Sync updates are seemed to work well and improved performance in places that were noticeable. But, clearly this one (21020) is really buggy and should NOT have been released without more testing!!

I expect Ford to fix it in a release sooner rather than later ... although I doubt you'll ever hear them say "Oops" or "Sorry"!!


well, i guess u should have come here before installing any updates! I just did a USB install on saturday. I havent noticed any issues - but i dont use the nav or the traffic links, or anything like that.

has anyone posted a g-drive link or something to the previous version? I hate it - i just deleted it off the USB i used to upgrade. grrrr.:mad:

When my dealer ran that one, it went back to 20136. Ran rough and gave me a lot of weird indications, but it ran. But, they left the wifi/auto updates on (and I didn't check) and after a couple of days, 21020 showed up, along with all of the issues. I manually rolled back to 20282 but this time ensured that wifi/autoupdate are both OFF. Maps remained at NA 2.20. 20282 seems to run OK, if a little but slower than before this whole mess started.

I've had in car navs from Jaguar, Saab, Ram and SYNC 2 & 3 from Ford in previous cars. NEVER had a mess like this before. My previous Sync updates are seemed to work well and improved performance in places that were noticeable. But, clearly this one (21020) is really buggy and should NOT have been released without more testing!!

I expect Ford to fix it in a release sooner rather than later ... although I doubt you'll ever hear them say "Oops" or "Sorry"!!

Lets hope so. I'm willing to leave it be for now rather that mess with it IF I knew an update was coming to fix the issue soon.
Is there a phone number to call for Ford Sync support that maybe I could call and ask?

well, i guess u should have come here before installing any updates! I just did a USB install on saturday. I havent noticed any issues - but i dont use the nav or the traffic links, or anything like that.

has anyone posted a g-drive link or something to the previous version? I hate it - i just deleted it off the USB i used to upgrade. grrrr.:mad:
Hi Mike. Do all the Travel Link features show "subscribed" when you are driving? Mine takes about 30 seconds or so to show "subscribed" after each key cycle. How about the map version. Is it 2.20?


Lets hope so. I'm willing to leave it be for now rather that mess with it IF I knew an update was coming to fix the issue soon.
Is there a phone number to call for Ford Sync support that maybe I could call and ask?
(800) 392-3673 is the number I called and they opened a case number from there. Still working to get it resolved and I have an appointment Thursday of next week.

Hi Mike. Do all the Travel Link features show "subscribed" when you are driving? Mine takes about 30 seconds or so to show "subscribed" after each key cycle. How about the map version. Is it 2.20?

Hi peter, it took me some time to find the location for travel link features because i dont use them. by the time i did they showed subscribed. I shut down and restarted and they showed subscribed right away.

map version is NA 118, Sync build 21020

Hi peter, it took me some time to find the location for travel link features because i dont use them. by the time i did they showed subscribed. I shut down and restarted and they showed subscribed right away.

map version is NA 118, Sync build 21020
So is the problem with the maps? Because with 21020 and map ver 2 20 Travel Link is broken.

So is the problem with the maps? Because with 21020 and map ver 2 20 Travel Link is broken.
I don't think the map is the issue. When I rolled mine back to 20282 with the map at 220 it ran fine. With Sync back at 21020 again it's not working.

Hi peter, it took me some time to find the location for travel link features because i dont use them. by the time i did they showed subscribed. I shut down and restarted and they showed subscribed right away.

map version is NA 118, Sync build 21020
If you are connected to a WiFi source, the maps will probably begin downloading automatically. There are many files and it takes a lot of time.


I don't think the map is the issue. When I rolled mine back to 20282 with the map at 220 it ran fine. With Sync back at 21020 again it's not working.
Right, doesn't seem like it would be if the same map db is being used.

All my SiriusXM Travel Link and Traffic subscriptions came back today, I will keep monitoring but I did NOT rollback from 21020.

Traffic seems to load quicker now as well.

All my SiriusXM Travel Link and Traffic subscriptions came back today, I will keep monitoring but I did NOT rollback from 21020.

Traffic seems to load quicker now as well.
Same for me when I was out and about Last Friday and Saturday. As I said in previous post, I’m sticking with 21020, and watching for an update from Ford.

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Spoke too soon, upon driving today everything except SiriusXM audio is gone.......shows UNSUBSCRIBED........another call to SiriusXM
