Sync 3 Update/Download 4U5T-14G421-CEF_1682461522000TAR.GZ | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync 3 Update/Download 4U5T-14G421-CEF_1682461522000TAR.GZ


Elite Explorer
May 31, 2019
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2020 Explorer ST
Sync 3 Update/Download 4U5T-14G421-CEF_1682461522000TAR.GZ Not sure what this is but it is a large file over WiFi still downloading. Currently have Sync 3.4.23188 and was not expecting another update. Could this be a free map update?

2024-01-15 13.14.53.jpg

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Pretty sure that's a SYNC file. I had the same thing happen a couple months ago and when done nothing changed. Since that I turned the auto update off.

Same here, it downloaded and installed but nothing changed that I could see. Still Sync 3.4.23188. Do you know the current Nav Map Update? I show NA 2 22 which appears to be outdated by a few years in my area, so often I have to use Waze to find new streets.

That should be the newest map. I don't use it much but use Google maps. So much easier.

Sync 3 Update/Download 4U5T-14G421-CEF_1682461522000TAR.GZ Not sure what this is but it is a large file over WiFi still downloading. Currently have Sync 3.4.23188 and was not expecting another update. Could this be a free map update?
Which map version do you have? I had the map version NA 2.22 download over WiFi. It took a couple of days but with the map download you can still drive away and it will resume at the point it left off.


I also have NA 2 22. I checked the update by VIN and it indicated they have a map update that I could purchase but did not indicate what version it was. Still unknown why I received the .GZ update today. It took 30 minutes for the WiFi download and install.

See my post at #2 Pretty sure it's the same thing I had happen.

Im wondering the same thing, my ford fusion has constantly been trying to update to it but it always says update failed. Idk if it’s because I turn my car off but I thought it would update even with the car off. Hoping it’s a driver aid update lol, my dream is to have this car centre itself in the lane.

Im wondering the same thing, my ford fusion has constantly been trying to update to it but it always says update failed. Idk if it’s because I turn my car off but I thought it would update even with the car off. Hoping it’s a driver aid update lol, my dream is to have this car centre itself in the lane.
My 2020 Explorer continues to update after the engine is turned off. When parking at home I wait about a min after the WiFi connects before turning off the engine, exiting and always lock the doors. Some document or posting indicated the doors should be locked. At some point it decides to logout and you can hear some clicking sounds come from under the hood. So in my case, yes it downloads updates after the engine is turned off.

Im wondering the same thing, my ford fusion has constantly been trying to update to it but it always says update failed. Idk if it’s because I turn my car off but I thought it would update even with the car off. Hoping it’s a driver aid update lol, my dream is to have this car centre itself in the lane.
Welcome to the Forum Luke. :wave:
As GeoTracker mentioned, Sync V3.4 will update via WiFi without the need to have the engine running. My vehicles have done it several times and without the doors locked.
If your vehicle has Lane Centering then that should already keep you centered. If you don't have the feature, an update won't add it.
The current version is V3.4 23188 with maps NA 2.22.

