Timing Chain Cover Bolts Nightmare | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Timing Chain Cover Bolts Nightmare


Elite Explorer
April 28, 2019
Reaction score
Vista, CA
City, State
Vista, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT RWD 5.0L V8
It's been a while since I've posted but lately, I've been reading many posts for information. It started about a month ago with squealing noise at start up. Weeks later I found myself in a deep dive into the front part of my engine bay. I have a 98 Explorer XLT 5.0 V8 RWD. This is the fourth project I've started that I was clueless about.

The squealing noise turned out to be the pulleys, four to be exact. I started to get into it making sure I kept tract of everything. I sent off the alternator to get rebuilt, pressed in pulley bearings and cleaned up things. I decided to detail the engine since I'm under the hood. The detailing had me pulling the coil packs and bracket, mainly for cleaning and access. In the process I noticed a bolt that was backed out from the water pump. As I was attending to it, I noticed another bolt with no head. At this point I had no idea what problems may unfold. The next few days I thumbed through my manuals, videos and this website. I decided to push on and removed the alternator bracket, cooling fan, shroud, harmonic balancer and the idler pulleys. At this point I found myself on a one-week treadmill. Yup, broken and rusted water pump/ timing cover bolts. I spent the next week battling to not break anything. I bought bolt extractors, a torch and a few cans of pb blaster. I also took my Dremel and made some tools to gouge the rust out from around the bolts. one by one after 30 hours the last bolt started to give way, only to break. I had chipped enough rust from around the bolt to remove the timing cover. The following morning, I clamped some vice grips to the bolt shaft and was able to remove the bolt. The squealing noise brought me all the way to, "might as well do the timing chain since I'm here". I set to top dead center before removing the timing chain. On the upside, no broken bolts in the block. Continuing down the slippery slope, a rear main seal? Since I'm here!?

So, this is where the knowledge base may be able to advise. I've chased out all the threads and plan on replacing the bolts as needed.
My parts list:
Timing Chain and gear set: Cloyes true double roller 9-3138
Cooling Fan: Motorcraft Mechanical Fan
Water Pump: GMB 125-1960
Gaskets: Fel-Pro
I also had the HB rebuilt. New spark plugs. Replace 3 hoses.

I think I'm on the right track. At what point does the timing cover need replacing? Any suggestions? What am I missing?

I'll chime back in as soon as my parts arrive.

