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4R55E solenoid questions.


September 8, 2017
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Finksbug, Md
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer
4r44e solenoid ohm readings..
All read 2.684 Ohms
Is this good or bad ?
Tried changing the range of meter but either O/L or 2.684
Would it be cheaper to buy a valve body found one at $111 on Ebay

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Welcome to this forum! What kind of issue do you have with the transmission? Is there a code related to the solenoids?
No there are no codes , shifts 1st to 2nd slips 3rd to 4th and no reverse, I replaced all the steels and frictions in the trans bands looked good. Solenoid reading are 2.684 Ohms.
Thanks for your help and reply

So you rebuilt the transmission but reused the old bands? What about the 2 servos on the side of the transmission? They dry out after a while then start to leak. The 4.0L engine uses a 4R55E transmission in the 1995 & 1996 models.

So you rebuilt the transmission but reused the old bands? What about the 2 servos on the side of the transmission? They dry out after a while then start to leak. The 4.0L engine uses a 4R55E transmission in the 1995 & 1996 models.
Replaced both servos one had a hole in it.

The 4R44E was used in the 3.0L Ranger. The 4.0L Explorer had a 4R55E. Did you order a valve body from Central Valve Bodies? They offer members from this site a discount. Have them check the old one when you send it back as a core.

The 4R44E was used in the 3.0L Ranger. The 4.0L Explorer had a 4R55E. Did you order a valve body from Central Valve Bodies? They offer members from this site a discount. Have them check the old one when you send it back as a core.
It was tranzland transmission in Florida. No core that I know of ordered on eBay. How much do you think a local trans shop would charge to test it ???

The places which remanufacture them need a core to rebuild. They sell a remanufactured unit from the cores. I'm suspicious that these places on EBay might sell used valve bodies or rebuilt valve bodies from junkyard transmissions. Check this place on WWW.ATRA.Com. I'm not saying that they are junk, but just be cautious.

A few years ago there was a shop selling extremely cheap solenoid blocks, solenoids, and other parts online. They might have been in Florida. Several members from this site purchased from them, and had transmission codes. The parts came in bags which were saturated in old, smelly transmission fluid. The place said that they always coat the parts in transmission fluid to prevent rust during storage & shipping. They turned out to be junk parts which came out of junkyard transmissions which had contaminated fluid. The place had numerous complaints with the BBB, and the guy stopped returning emails. They even went one step further to pocket money from members on this site, and never ship the merchandise. I can't remember the name of the shop but it's not important since I doubt that they are still in business.

The places which remanufacture them need a core to rebuild. They sell a remanufactured unit from the cores. I'm suspicious that these places on EBay might sell used valve bodies or rebuilt valve bodies from junkyard transmissions. Check this place on WWW.ATRA.Com. I'm not saying that they are junk, but just be cautious.

A few years ago there was a shop selling extremely cheap solenoid blocks, solenoids, and other parts online. They might have been in Florida. Several members from this site purchased from them, and had transmission codes. The parts came in bags which were saturated in old, smelly transmission fluid. The place said that they always coat the parts in transmission fluid to prevent rust during storage & shipping. They turned out to be junk parts which came out of junkyard transmissions which had contaminated fluid. The place had numerous complaints with the BBB, and the guy stopped returning emails. They even went one step further to pocket money from members on this site, and never ship the merchandise. I can't remember the name of the shop but it's not important since I doubt that they are still in business.
I'm saying no core unless there is a return label in the box when it comes. I'll let you know when I get it just for your curiosity... LOL
Never hurts to have other opinions it does come with a lifetime warranty printed it from his ad....
Thanks again for all your help much appreciated. Eddie

I'm saying no core unless there is a return label in the box when it comes. I'll let you know when I get it just for your curiosity... LOL
Never hurts to have other opinions it does come with a lifetime warranty printed it from his ad....
Thanks again for all your help much appreciated. Eddie
I was a tech for 25 years but never did a trans seen many rebuilt helped with a few so new the basics....

I checked all 6 solenoids 2 of them read : converter clutch 10.4 Ohms 1-2 shift 4.7 Ohms... All others are 27.2ohms is this good ???

FYI whether they test good electrically or not it's not a guarantee they can also be tested mechanically with a special tool. I've had non working "remanufactured" solenoids that tested good with the multimeter.

Also I find it hard to believe that somebody can profit remanufacuring valve bodies properly and sell them that cheap, I'm telling you eBay is full of scams with stuff like this it's most likely a used valve body that they got tons of worst case you find out it's no good and they ship you another take off from the pallet lol go with a reputable transmission parts dealer if this doesn't work out. I've been screwed over with every transmission part I've ordered from eBay LITERALLY! Except my shift kit. Do they have to reimburse you for knuckle busting,back soiling, labor ? heck no! buy once cry once and stay away from eBay iv had my tranny out 3 times! Before I got it right thanks to the scan artist on eBay.

FYI whether they test good electrically or not it's not a guarantee they can also be tested mechanically with a special tool. I've had non working "remanufactured" solenoids that tested good with the multimeter.
There were no codes in transmission . I replaced all the solenoids. Still no reverse, didn't bother trying to drive forward also the O/D light keeps flashing. I also rebuilt the trans.

Sorry. I also have a valve body that is being rebuilt was gonna just swap out the valve body.

There's always a code when you see a flashing O/D light. Some scanners can't read these codes because they are manufacturer specific. What kind of scanner do you have?
Not sure about scanner i borrowed it from a friend

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Did check your fliud level?
