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5r55s solenoids impedance

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I just got back from the dealer with the explorer. They replaced the TC and the problem was still there (still slipping). So they removed the valve body and realized that the TC clutch modulator was stuck and its sleeve worn.
They dislodged the valve, polished valve and bore, and now it locks fully.
They did not charge extra for the valve body job, but probably they shouldn't had changed the TC in the first place...
Anyways, it works and I'm happy. I end up paying $150 for the frst diagnostic at a local shop, $160 for the solenoid block, $100 for ATF and filter and $1,200 to the dealer for diagnostic, parts and repairs (total ~ $1,600).

o/d flashing light.trans shifts normal

Check trans oil temperature with diagnostic tool,It may be very low or to hign. Cause it the temp thermistor on the plastic u ring that supplies voltage to the solenoids. ford has the plastic ring with termistor buildt in. Carfully unclip old ring from trans solenoids. LOOK at new part to insure all solenoid push pin connectors are open enough to allow solenoid pins to enter.lots of luck, quick fix. thermister also being used as a pull up resistor for o/d Crkt.

tcc 1744

Dorin, i would like to now what ended up fixing this problem.


What was the fix ?

Hi Dorin overhauling the torque converter clutch would have fixed your trans alarm, but were you able to establish the reason for the clutch to fail?
I have a similar problem. My problem is the TCC solenoid is not getting told to operate, which causes the clutch to burn out. Any news on your fix?

Hi chezzrob,
It is almost 4 years since the dealer fixed it and the transmission still works fine.
As I said, the fix was to remove the TC clutch modulator, polish valve and bore, and put back together.
I suspect the modulator got stuck because of a dirty transmission fluid/filter, as the car had about 90k miles with the original AT fluid.
Which reminds me that I should change the ATF and filter, since I put about 40k miles on the car ... I'll get to it this weekend.
