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4R55E solenoid questions.

Yes fluid is at perfect level. Would it hurt to nurse it to a repair facility ??

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There is a reputable trans shop about 5 miles away and we can take a back road, would it cause anymore damage ?

Fluid level should be checked with transmission warm engine running it can make a difference. But scanning the codes will lead you in the right direction and when you rebuilt the trans did you tighten the bands properly?

If it'll limp there it probably won't be a big deal if it's close but if your getting a lot of slipping and such I wouldn't risk it. But untill the codes are pulled it could be a lot of different things causing your issues that should be #1 on the list.

Also I recommend to always change the internal harness when rebuilding with age they can go bad(cracked missing insulation, short in wires.. etc) and cause all kinds of issues and might not even show symptoms until it's disturbed during a rebuild. You should also run it through the gears on jackstands(just be careful and make sure it's stable) before you actually drive it.

Download the forscan app(free). Uses an OBD reader. Great transmission coverage. I can vouch it works perfectly for a 96. Will read all the codes and you can see about 25 PIDs.
