$50 Brush guard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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$50 Brush guard

So I got this brush guard off Craigs List for $50 bucks. It had no mounting brackets, and needed to be sanded and repainted. My friend and I made the brackets from a even heavier guage steel than the frame of the truck. I will take pics of the brackts if anyone is interested. Took 2 coats of primer and 3 coats of semigloss and flat black. Its a custom paint job that looks and feels like rhino liner. LMK what you guys think!

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Alrighty then

Well I guess no one likes my $50 brush guard. Its cool, at least I only paid 50 bucks!:thumbsup:

I like it! Can't beat the price. Any plans for lights on it?

It's looking really good. You got a bargain there :D

looks great man!

Looks Great, for $50 its Incredible. Looks like you did a really nice paint job also.

Well Thank Ya!

Thanks guys! I do plan on some hid lights for the brush guard. Havent decided wich way to go yet. I like Ronins set up. But Ive seen a bunch of great light set ups on here. Thanks on the paint comment! I took my time and im happy with it.:thumbsup:

Ive gottt Plans!!!

I have plans to do a 3" body lift, new wheels/tires. New coils and struts. Ive got the rear end shudder so I need new clutch packs for the rear end. 12k HID for the head lights. Yellow HID for the fogs. Black billet upper and lower grille. Im gonna upgrade all my suspension parts to moog and eibach, ball joints, control arms, control arm bushings, etc. Ive got two new front wheel bearings, just gotta install em. Have one replaced in the rear this yr. So ill only have one more wheel bearing to replace and they will all b like new. Motor is a transplant from another 2002 that only has 90,000 on it. (170,000 on the truck) I put it in this past summer. Ive got Accel coil packs and bosch platinum 4 plugs. Im getting a new upgraded intake manifold next week, mine cracked when my coolant froze! 50/50 motorcraft coolant didnt like 4 degrees here in MI much! That and my T stat puked on the same day. With the intake manifold Im getting a BBK throtle body, and K&N air intake. Thats just the tip of the ice berg as they say! lol:thumbsup:

Would you guess my front bumper is a rattle can spray job with no clear on it!?!?! Looks aight for a drive way paint job! LOL

that brush guard looks good! nice find

Pictures of the brackets please!!! That's a beautiful brush gaurd!

looking at the pictures it just the right height to take the legs off a few cyclists!! its ok to be green but not if your dead!!
