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Matt Furniss

New Member
August 6, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bechtelsville, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Eddie Bauer
My brakes were dragging on my 94 eb until they wore down the pads all the way. so i bought new calipers and pads and installed them. I took it out for a drive and they still drag. we bled the brakes when we installed the new calipers. is there something i maybe overlooked? it is the abs model if that means anything.
any tips or thoughts would be appreciated.

thank you

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Well due to my own dilemna brakes are the last thing I want to discuss. Did you adjust the shoes using the star wheel. If you just took everything off and put new on the sure they will drag since that's where the brakes were set a t b4. If you adjusted then ignore me.

Originally posted by AlaskanJack
Well due to my own dilemna brakes are the last thing I want to discuss. Did you adjust the shoes using the star wheel. If you just took everything off and put new on the sure they will drag since that's where the brakes were set a t b4. If you adjusted then ignore me.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: You're key words were caliper and pads. This means his front brakes. A little tease for AlaskanJack. ;)

Matt, your FRONT brakes should and will drag just a little. Your rears, if adjusted properly, will drag ever so slightly for that matter. You should be able to spin the rotor and it spin fairly freely. If it won't spin even a little then your caliper(s) is defective. Air in the lines allows the fluid a place to compress instead of placing pressure on the caliper piston. ABS will not effect your calipers either. Try jacking up one tire and giveing it a spin. If you don't get one rotation out of it, then I would trouble shoot further.

One more thing...Did you turn the rotors? They could (100% guarenteed) be warped and will give you a "dragging" sound. Hope this helps.

Check the master cylinder to make sure it is releasing pressure when you let off the brakes. The easiest way to do this is to pump up the brakes, release the pedal, wait a couple seconds, then crack the bleeder screws on one of the calipers. If the fluid shoots out under pressure, you have a bad master cylinder. If it just trickles out, you don't have a problem with the hydraulic system. Either the clipers you got are bad, or the sliders are not lubed correctly, which will cause the calipers to stick.

You're key words were caliper and pads. This means his front brakes. A little tease for AlaskanJack.

Look the mention of brakes makes me go loopy!! Ignore everything after hello!

:D ;)
