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Charlie's Elite Registry

To start out, my name is Charlie and I am from Eau Claire Wisconsin. I am also a student at UW-Stout majoring in mechanical design. I have been elite for some time and think it is about time to create a registry.

Originally I had wanted to lower my X and make it performancy, but then I realized that that won't happen, and I have always loved big trucks. So, that is what I will slowly go for.

I have a 1996 Explorer Sport, which I have been driving for several years now. There are no major changes, due to lack of funds. Therefore, for now most all that I can do are cheap/free mods that are for appearance sake.
Back when I got it it looked something like this:

I will try to dig up some better pictures to show later, but I am on my laptop, not my main computer with pictures.
Some point about a year ago, I decided I wanted a roof rack for many reasons. I think SUV's look better with them, plus then it is a spot for me to mount some lights (eventually) and also then I can use it to carry stuff.

Magically, a beautiful roof rack from Jtsmith's truck appeared on mine.

At some point, I also decided that I needed an overhead console. I now have one of those and I can tell you the temperature, and the direction I am heading.

I have additionally upgraded the audio, with a Sony head unit and alpine r's in the front doors. I also have an assortment of subs that I am constantly changing out for one reason or another. To also effect the interior sound, I have put down sound deadener on the whole floor and door panels. It really reduces road noise, along with making it nicer to go camping in (feels a little softer)

As for exhaust, I thought I wanted it loud. After experimenting with many exhaust setups, I realized that I have the v6 and nothing will sound really good and not drone. I am now running a near stock sounding muffler. It is slightly louder.

I also recently painted the grill black to break up the mass of white on the vehicle. I also removed the orange corner reflectors. Along with that, I am also running 35% tint all around.

Also, to change the look up I also painted my wheels a dark gunmetal color.


Soon I will be installing shackles, cranking the torsion bars up in front, and hopefully AAL. Then, after that maybe I can find some way to get around another inch of lift, but I have not decided how yet. Then hopefully in the summer of 08 some bigger tires will be in sight. After all, the ones I have now need to be replaced...so it is a great reason to upgrade size.

Current list of modifications:

*Overhead console installed, pulled from a junker
*Speakers, and a Sony headunit
*Center console & vents black
*Uniden 510xl CB
*Sound deadener
*A-Pillar handles
*Rear seat bottoms removed, because when I fold down the rear seats they stick up and it's a pain
*White gauges
Here is a contemplation of the interior put together with Autostitch


Interior again...after changing some things black and mounting the A-Pillar handles

(no CB mounted in this one)

*35% tint all around
*31x10.5 A/T tires
*TT/Shackles lift
*Bumper valence removed
*Lights on bumper
*Mounty roof rack
*Stock deerhoofs painted gloss black
*Clear corners, orange reflector removed from stock lamps

Adding more pictures..some are new, some are old. Just throwing in some of my favorites.

When I drove into a field covered in long grass, unkowing there was a tall drop off with a creek because the grass covered it

Before going through big mud pits, I hook up my tow strap, so I won't need to climb out in the deep water and try and hook up in case I get stuck

Now some mud...

Dang, I need to park by civics. My explorer looks tiny by this huge F-150

Little flex on a trail

Parked in a park (heh. Nothing cool about this one, I just like it.)

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Even though you haven't done too many drastic mods yet for appearance, i still like the look of your truck. It's clean and simple, and i like how that Mountaineer roof rack looks on the sport. How was it to put the sound deadener padding down on the floor, easy or hard? And how expensive is it, i'm very interested in doing this.

The sound deadener I used was some cheap off brand stuff, I don't remember what it was called though. It was a little thicker than dynamat and those types, so the only problem was that it was a little harder to get the seats back in from the added thickness. I think the cost to do the car for the stuff I used was around ~50 dollars. It defiantly made a big difference in road noise, especially when it is raining, from the spray hitting under the car.

It was easy to put in if you don't mind removing the carpet and panels, just cut, put down spray adhesive and put it down. I have some nice pictures of when the car is all torn apart with it being put in....except not on this computer. I will try to put them up next time I am home.

Update 12/22/07-
31x10.50x15's installed tonight. The truck is very dirty from Wisconsin roads. Wheels actually do match the paint, but they are clean, and the truck is not.

Better picture will be loaded up later. Soon shackles (yes, JT, finally) and TT will be installed, whenever I have time over my break to do so.

Where did you get then wheels from? look like old Enkei's to me.

The wheels were the original wheels on my brother's 1991 q-45. He has different wheels now, and these have been sitting in the basement with no tires, so I figured I would put them to good use.



Well, an update with daytime photos. I have taken this on the interstate, and it seem to handle well. The ride is very smooth, and surprisingly quiet. I have been very happy with it overall. I am looking in parking lots for a stock 2door, so I can take a picture parked by mine to see how much of a lift the 31's give.



Now you just need to see how those 31 A/Ts do in some mud :D

Can't say for mud yet, but I can say they do well in snow

The wheels were the original wheels on my brother's 1991 q-45. He has different wheels now, and these have been sitting in the basement with no tires, so I figured I would put them to good use.



looks good.. what's a Q-45?


Infinity's answer to the early 90's BMW 5-series. It was meant to compete against it. The Infinity Q45 was a luxury 4 door sedan. It's a nice car, and his has held up well, for having 150k+ miles on it. It still handles and rides pretty good. The only big problem is it gets worse mileage than my Explorer, since it has an old v8.

Yes. Nissan/Infinity are sister companies. It isn't as close as a Mountaineer/Explorer, but they are very similar.

Edit: It would best be described as a higher version than the Maxima, having a bigger/more powerful engine and other features upgraded too.

We don't get them over here in the UK.. we only get the primera now and all the 4x4's they sell.. .

Gimme a Ford anyday!


Edit: It would best be described as a higher version than the Maxima, having a bigger/more powerful engine and other features upgraded too.

I'd say a "luxury" version. The late 90s models were very nice, and quite quick too. Handled sprisingly well for weighing over 4k.

Well, I finally removed this from my explorer:

So, now with the new ones it looks like this:



I need to go pick up longer bolts from Fastenal this week, the stock bolts aren't long enough.

I want to go higher now...dang..I was worried about this.

Looks good Charlie :thumbsup: So when we going to do some offroading???

congrads on being elite charlie

Looks good Charlie :thumbsup: So when we going to do some offroading???

I will have to make a run south-ward this summer:thumbsup:

I did a little flex testing today, still had more to go, I need something bigger to test it on than these stairs


Edit: Oh, and thanks to whoever changed the title!

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