droppped my truck off at the dealer today.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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droppped my truck off at the dealer today....


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
LaPorte, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Civic LX
for the 00m12 recall to get fixed. I first asked if it would be ready by tomorrow evening, and the guy said "it depends on what they find." I told them "i don't want anything done that is going to cost money, just get the recall done." They did a bit of typing then told me to sign this paper and we'd be set, I assumed that it was just stating the information, VIN #, licence plate, my personal info (address and what not), i mean i hardly ever read when they tell me to sign something, eventually i glance it over, but i didn't get a copy of it. But my mom said it may have authorized other work to be done. I'm a bit concerned now

If it's a certified Ford dealer, I wouldn't worry about it too much. These guys don't want any problems and complaints anymore than you do.

Words to live by: "Don't worry until you are sure there is something to worry about".

I just made that up. Hehehe...

thats a reassuring thought...i might still call them in the morning and double check.

my friend also said if they were going to do any other things that they'd probably contact me..

Yes, they will contact you. They did with me. But then again I live in NY. Well you did mentioned to them not do anything that is not covered under the recall.

Good Luck!
