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Front Skid Plate

That's where I'm planning to go with mine.

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Got mine installed finally.

poser shot.jpg
winch installed.jpg

Ooh, that is sexy there Turdle.

put the one I ordered on the Trac last week, I would put up a picture but you can't really see it unless I'm taking one from under the bumper. Guess I need to order another one for the other Ex :D

"Ooh, that is sexy there Turdle."

x2! Also missed posts on your new bumper! Great paint match, you must know one Awesome Powder Coater!!!! :D:eek:

Wait, I just noticed something Turdle. Did you mount yours backwards? I'm guessing you mounted it like that to line up with the bumper better and offer more frontal protection?

Ahh, gotcha. I guess I could post one picture of it on the Sport Trac, since the body lift is installed you can kinda see it in the front.

Does it's job very well though. I was jacking up from the front IFS crossmember doing the torsion twist when the jack gave way in my gravel driveway and the skid plate caught the vehicle and it's entire weight, and nothing. No scratch, dent, misalignment, ding, nada. Exactly the same as the day I got it.

Haven't tested any offroading impacts yet, but I actually hope that it's something I don't have to do any time soon.


  • 1-EF Approved RCI Skidplate-001.jpg
    1-EF Approved RCI Skidplate-001.jpg
    296.5 KB · Views: 1,181

WOW, all the trucks look great with the skid plate, I need to get one for my 98 X.
Thank you for all the pics, that made up my mind to get one right away.

Wait, I just noticed something Turdle. Did you mount yours backwards? I'm guessing you mounted it like that to line up with the bumper better and offer more frontal protection?

Sorry, I missed this question.

I hope it is not upside down. The cut letters aren't ;)

Hey guys, I know this is a super old thread, but just wanted to update it since I get questions all the time asking if we are still making our Explorer/Ranger front skid plate.

The answer is YEEESSSSSS! RCI Offroad has grown exponentially over the last few years and in doing so has never stopped production of our original Front Skid Plate, and actually it is still one of our best sellers!

We have never done any sales on our explorer plates because we keep them at an extremely tight price, but for the next week we are running a 15% off deal, just use the coupon code FRF on our website!

Love mine saved my ass a few times , great company awesome product. Highly recommended

I put mine on 1 day before Truckhaven and it certainly saved my radiator and TC cooler lines considering I broke or dented just about everything up front which wasn't under the skid plate :D

Couldn't be better :thumbsup:


Guys, have somebody photo with dimensions or could somebody measure plate?
In Europe I have to build DIY skid plate, shipping is too expensive :p

Btw. great plates!

RCI Skid Plate

Today I picked up my RCI Front Skid Plate.

As you can see, this thing is awesome. One solid piece, water jet cut and bent steel. I almost don't want to go 4wheeling just so I won't bang any rocks off it- this thing is pretty!





The pick up points apparently aren't the same across all frame configurations. RCI told me that I might need to drill an additional hole. The provided self tapping screws make this an easy task- once I drilled a small pilot hole.

Although I have a 2" body lift, my bumper is still at the factory height. It works really well with a stock height bumper and should work just as well with a bumper that's been raised up to match a body lift.

This fits your explorer? I have a 2004 it’ll fit?
