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Lube for Brake caliper pins??


Well-Known Member
August 14, 2002
City, State
Allentown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer '97 XLT V8 AWD
Autozone recommended the clear (silicone?) grease for "brake parts" they sell in $.99 packets. Is this stuff OK for caliper pins on a 97 XLT AWD? The front pins were dried up, the rears are not. with 68K on the odo.

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been using it for a long time. works just like all the rest.

NAPA also sells it in a tube, it's called SilGlyde. I think it's only a couple bucks for an 8oz tube.

Sil Glide, Good stuff

There is actually grease called "brake caliper grease"..

The stuff you use must be able to handle the heat. some greases will gum up once they get hot.

The stuff at azone does work, but I found big tubes of it at carquest.. they wanted $6.00 per tube. 1 tube lasts me about 15 aplications.. (I check my breaks at least every 2 months)


Originally posted by schadler
Autozone recommended the clear (silicone?) grease for "brake parts" they sell in $.99 packets.

Damn man- what a coincidence. I did mine also this weekend. Bought it at Autozone @ $18.99 front/$16.99 rear with true lifetime warranty. Meaning you come back a year from now and get the next set free.

I bought my first set 2 years ago so this time around they were FREE! I installed them without the $0.99 grease. Works okay w/o them.

Did you notice how the rear breaks wear out faster than the front. Is this normal?

(Did you notice how the rear breaks wear out faster than the front. Is this normal?)

No - my front's wear out slightly faster. I think I read a post that if your rears wear out fast, it's because of a stuck rear ABS valve. You might check on that, because it means that your rear brakes could be dragging, reducing fuel economy, etc.

Did anyone notice, if they have the AWD v8, that the inside front pads are larger than the rotor surface, and rub the hub area? I notice this eery time, because the inside pads have a 1/2 inch wide groove on the inside edge that is deeper than the rest of the pad. It is getting less prominent, as the pads are gradually polishing down this area on the rotor. I've checked OEM pads, Albany and Raybestos and they all overlap the polished rotor surface like this. The outboard pads don't tho, only the inside ones. Wierd

Originally posted by schadler
I think I read a post that if your rears wear out fast, it's because of a stuck rear ABS valve. You might check on that, because it means that your rear brakes could be dragging, reducing fuel economy, etc.

How do I check and correct this? I did test it by making sure the rear wheels do spin freely and the brakes are not engaged all the time.

Anyone knows the adjustments to make?
