New Bronco on Hells Revenge | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Bronco on Hells Revenge


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

And it did damn well! I don't think I've seen another vehicle make it up Hells Gate with less drama.

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Aw man, the video is not available for me.

That one works, thanks.
Makes me miss Moab!

Yeah, almost boring!

When I bought the ST the finance guy and I started chatting about the new Bronco. I said Ford had said they wanted to build a Jeep eater. He said that there is no way the stock Bronco would "eat Jeeps". Looks like he was quite wrong. 🤣

Its good to see that Ford finally did something outstanding with a off-road vehicle. They have been going the other way for so long. The Bronco should be a great seller.

OOOHH. Does this mean it's OK to some post pics of my '22 Squatched Badlands ??? Sadly my '93 EX had an unfortunate encounter with a Freightliner a few years ago, so I'v been kinda out of Serious 'Froading for a few years, UNTIL NOW, that is :cool:

OOOHH. Does this mean it's OK to some post pics of my '22 Squatched Badlands ??? Sadly my '93 EX had an unfortunate encounter with a Freightliner a few years ago, so I'v been kinda out of Serious 'Froading for a few years, UNTIL NOW, that is :cool:
I drive a Freightliner, I'm getting a cattle guard for it to deal with all the red light runners.

OOOHH. Does this mean it's OK to some post pics of my '22 Squatched Badlands ???

Sure thing this is the 2021-2022 Bronco subforum, so why not? Now if we could just get @Paul Gagnon to show us his new ride too... ;)

I drive a Freightliner, I'm getting a cattle guard for it to deal with all the red light runners.
I miss my Peterbuilt.
The Volvos are Allright , the Company orders all the new ones with cattle guards

OOOHH. Does this mean it's OK to some post pics of my '22 Squatched Badlands ??? Sadly my '93 EX had an unfortunate encounter with a Freightliner a few years ago, so I'v been kinda out of Serious 'Froading for a few years, UNTIL NOW, that is :cool:
would love photos!!!!

The Volvos are Allright , the Company orders all the new ones with cattle guards


Peek a boo...

Where's the beef? Hunting with chrome.

I miss my Peterbuilt.
The Volvos are Allright , the Company orders all the new ones with cattle guards
swift? they seem to be getting a bunch of volvos recently at least by me


OOOHH. Does this mean it's OK to some post pics of my '22 Squatched Badlands ??? Sadly my '93 EX had an unfortunate encounter with a Freightliner a few years ago, so I'v been kinda out of Serious 'Froading for a few years, UNTIL NOW, that is :cool:
Holy crap, RAY?!?! Welcome back!!! :thumbsup:

swift? they seem to be getting a bunch of volvos recently at least by me
Swift? As in Sure
Oh hells no. Albertsons, Safeway Carrs Vons

I saw a really nice Bronco last week.
Lift, wheels, tires, bumpers, winch, Rotopax,ramps,Jack shovel, lights under, around including, swamps.
Even the Wife was digging it

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Swift? As in Sure
Oh hells no. Albertsons, Safeway Carrs Vons

I saw a really nice Bronco last week.
Lift, wheels, tires, bumpers, winch, Rotopax,ramps,Jack shovel, lights under, around including, swamps.
Even the Wife was digging it
LOL makes more sense ;) though ive been noticing more volvos in swift recently too. used to ve more FL i swear 😅
