Putting in a 2023 King Ranch order | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Putting in a 2023 King Ranch order


August 17, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Killeen, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Explorer King Ranch
2023 King Ranch order.

Hands free lift gate, WiFi hot spot, and auto start/stop not available.

But the multi contour seats seats are available or can be deleted.


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Had to laugh a little at first when I saw .119 INCH WHEELBASE. ;)


Order is placed with Ford, 2.9% for 60 months locked in. Supposed to get an update when Ford puts out the build schedule for my Explorer.

Was told they start building officially in November and it might be 20-21 weeks before delivered, barring no supply issues.

Order is placed with Ford, 2.9% for 60 months locked in. Supposed to get an update when Ford puts out the build schedule for my Explorer.

Was told they start building officially in November and it might be 20-21 weeks before delivered, barring no supply issues.
Scheduling begins on September 22nd. November 7th is production startup.


Order is placed with Ford, 2.9% for 60 months locked in. Supposed to get an update when Ford puts out the build schedule for my Explorer.

Was told they start building officially in November and it might be 20-21 weeks before delivered, barring no supply issues.
Congrats on the order!

Curious, how’d you get that locked in? Our car should come in in the next week or two, which was just in time to kiss out on the Ford 2.9%. Our dealer said they wouldn’t set up financing until the car is on hand.

Congrats on the order!

Curious, how’d you get that locked in? Our car should come in in the next week or two, which was just in time to kiss out on the Ford 2.9%. Our dealer said they wouldn’t set up financing until the car is on hand.
Worked with my dealer. It’s for 2023’s. I have bought my last few Fords at 0% APR.

It’s a deal going on now for set vehicles, and rates are expected to just go up…


Congrats on the order!

Curious, how’d you get that locked in? Our car should come in in the next week or two, which was just in time to kiss out on the Ford 2.9%. Our dealer said they wouldn’t set up financing until the car is on hand.
I do question how my trade in will work. I have a 2018 F150 Lariat 4x4 with high package, towing, etc…. They were offering me to trade in a few months back for close what I bought it for discount at $60k, but now are saying it might be $30k value for trade in.

I will work that when my vehicle comes in, but not looking forward to that part (I do save 6.25% on purchase sales tax, with trade in value, vs selling and maybe IRS wanting some of my money I was taxed on when I earned it, then paid taxes and fees to buy).

It’s easier to work trade in when I do both at the same time and can walk away to another dealer vs get screwed out of thousands.

But I don’t want to use my 2dr Jeep in the winter, waiting for my vehicle to be built,

And the dealer called today, saying they have a delay/issue with the Multi Contour seats. I asked if it was an option, and he said yes, but the build/delay is unknown at this time… I told him keep it as I ordered it. I guess Ford has no idea when/if those seats💺 will be available.

Other brands seem to offer them. Most vehicles tend share set parts from the same places that contract to make the parts for them.

Just curious why you did the the hands free lift gate delete?

Nevermind i just seen in other threads it is a supply chain issue.

Nevermind i just seen in other threads it is a supply chain issue.
Yes, the hands free lift gate, WiFi hot spot, and auto start/stop not available for 2023.

Not a huge deal breaker on the WiFi or Auto start/stop. Hands free lift gate not something my wife or I really use on her Ford Edge now. But was neat in 2019 when we got it.

On my 2018 F150 (5.0L) twice I had the auto start stall out on me, in stop and go traffic. Took a few seconds to restart as you have to go to park or neutral, put foot on brake, and push start, after it does a short reset. I wish I could be disabled, and turned on when wanted/needed.

Congrats on the order!

Curious, how’d you get that locked in? Our car should come in in the next week or two, which was just in time to kiss out on the Ford 2.9%. Our dealer said they wouldn’t set up financing until the car is on hand.
You can only lock in at the time of order. Anything that is offered after the order is placed can only be had if it's still available at time of delivery.

And the dealer called today, saying they have a delay/issue with the Multi Contour seats. I asked if it was an option, and he said yes, but the build/delay is unknown at this time… I told him keep it as I ordered it. I guess Ford has no idea when/if those seats💺 will be available.

Other brands seem to offer them. Most vehicles tend share set parts from the same places that contract to make the parts for them.

Rumor has it that the manufacturer of those seats went belly up so it's unknown what supplier Ford is changing too. Seems that feature is an issue across the entire model lineup including Lincoln.

View attachment 4340972023 King Ranch order.

Hands free lift gate, WiFi hot spot, and auto start/stop not available.

But the multi contour seats seats are available or can be deleted.
I have a 2022 Platinum, 3.0 twin turbo. If this vehicle has the 3.0 I suggest you go drive one first. Terrible engine noise in the cabin. Before someone says its a fake noise and it's there for reason and you can turn it off, YOU ARE WRONG. Been to the dealership and they say its normal. Have tried to find another one to drive and compare and can't find one local. Drove an ST it its not as noticeable.

I have a 2022 Platinum, 3.0 twin turbo. If this vehicle has the 3.0 I suggest you go drive one first. Terrible engine noise in the cabin. Before someone says its a fake noise and it's there for reason and you can turn it off, YOU ARE WRONG. Been to the dealership and they say its normal. Have tried to find another one to drive and compare and can't find one local. Drove an ST it its not as noticeable.
I am a bit nervous getting a turbo charged engine. I joke with my wife’s Edge sounding like a sewing machine. It was quite(r) when we bought it. I am hoping the 3.0 holds up well.

The Explorer I test drove was a used 2021 Platinum with messaging seats. Engine sounded ok I guess for a turbo.

I have a 2022 Platinum, 3.0 twin turbo. If this vehicle has the 3.0 I suggest you go drive one first. Terrible engine noise in the cabin. Before someone says its a fake noise and it's there for reason and you can turn it off, YOU ARE WRONG. Been to the dealership and they say its normal. Have tried to find another one to drive and compare and can't find one local. Drove an ST it its not as noticeable.
My 2021 Platinum is a noisy 3.0L too but it's primarily road noise transmitted thru the suspension to the cabin. I even switched to custom 18" wheels and 265/65 R18 tires to reduce the symptoms (modest improvement). On a long stretch of new blacktop roadway it's very quite even under full throttle. On a typical roadway with tar strips or rough concrete road surfaces it's like driving in a boom box. My dealership told me the same story, it's a normal feature of the Platinum trim.:oops:

Sweet! Got mine in last month too. I'm crossing my fingers that multicontour seats stay. I'm not sure if I'll continue the order if they remove that...

My 2021 Platinum is a noisy 3.0L too but it's primarily road noise transmitted thru the suspension to the cabin. I even switched to custom 18" wheels and 265/65 R18 tires to reduce the symptoms (modest improvement). On a long stretch of new blacktop roadway it's very quite even under full throttle. On a typical roadway with tar strips or rough concrete road surfaces it's like driving in a boom box. My dealership told me the same story, it's a normal feature of the Platinum trim.:oops:ise?
So why would the engine interior noise be different on a Platinum , King Ranch, or ST? They all have the same engine and I would assume the insulation is the same. Are the Exhaust systems different?

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So why would the engine interior noise be different on a Platinum , King Ranch, or ST? They all have the same engine and I would assume the insulation is the same. Are the Exhaust systems different?
I'm not in a position to know about differences in exhaust systems.
Hopefully another member can comment.
