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Redneck bodylift


July 23, 2008
City, State
fort worth TEXAS
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 ford X awd/4wd
my buddies and i have come up with a cheap and when i say cheap i mean cheap. 50-60 bucks is all you will need for a 3 incnh body lift. yall are prob wondering what it is and it would be Hockey Pucks They are hard hard rubber just like the bl bushing and stuff you get actually my buddy says they are stronger. we put some on one of our buddies trucks its like a 76 c10 chevy it took 16 pucks 4 on each bolt. now on a explorer it might take more cause personally i havent put a bodylift on my x yet so i dont know how many bolts there are. you just tape 4 of em together and drill a hole through the center and get you a longer bolt and there ya go. like i said i dont know how many bolts there are on x's but it a whole hell alot better than buyin the exspensive bl kits.:thumbsup:

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but what about the steering extension and the bumper brackets ect...?

you just have to be creative and take chances thats why it is so good to be a redneck cause we make almost anything just got to use your head.

its not hard you just dont use your head and think u would rather go spend a **** load of money then try to work on things urself. God gave u a brain use it thats what we do.:D

ha that what we call Natural Selection... its not safe yet effective. like idiots in Kansas and Florida who think its smart and cool to not wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.

its not hard you just dont use your head and think u would rather go spend a **** load of money then try to work on things urself. God gave u a brain use it thats what we do.:D
I grew up in Bailey Colorado, I know all about REDNECKS duct tape is must in your vehicle, but riggin S**t up on your steering and brakes is just plain not smart.

whoooa calm down there duuder some experienced people are just looking out for some safety issues with your idea. its been done on here before with the hockey pucks just keep in mind about the brakes and steering. not only is it dangerous for your own sake but others around you.

whoooa calm down there duuder some experienced people are just looking out for some safety issues with your idea. its been done on here before with the hockey pucks just keep in mind about the brakes and steering. not only is it dangerous for your own sake but others around you.

i know man its just i hate when guys come in here and start trash talkin. I know there are some things that have to be extended and stuff i was just givin a cheaper alternative for lifting your x

Hockey pucks?! Brilliant! I can't believe someone didn't think of this two decades ago!

The hockey puck lift has been around probably as long as hockey pucks. It's certainly not a new idea. They also have a bad habit of cracking out. A body mount should be a solid piece. A body lift isn't that expensive, and getting a steering shaft extension rednecked up is going to be difficult, and probably not safe. As for Turdle not using his head, you might be more than a little off with that. He's been under a modified vehicle a time or two, I think.

not3 feet,3 inches and you tape them together to hold them while you drill a hole through them all

Calm down needmud08 & the rest..

Needmud, you need to redesign.. There is not enough slack in the steering shaft for more than 2 inches of body lift. Also you have to contend with things like the radiator drop brackets as mentioned earlier plus either making custom bumpers or lifting them using brackets. For most people its far cheaper just to get a kit for the Ranger than to try to make something like that and ultimately fail.

My practice of asking stupid questions, and taking advice here has kept me alive and smiling.

After installing a body lift kit myself, Honestly, the added fabrication and running down scrap metal to make the parts with would cost more, not only in parts, but fuel, and tools also. Heck, even with the kit there are issues of errands to run.

Not all of us live in a junk yard with scraps of metal laying around.

. Although I am getting there thanks to these guys

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