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Redneck bodylift

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You don't need a drop bracket for the radiator!!! :D

Do the redneck thing like I did and cut off the side tabs on the shroud and rotate it 180 degrees and ziptie it back to the radiator!

WOW, quick question, i just ordered the PA 883 kit, does it come with the steering extension?

I dont understand how this takes so long, the process seems fairly simple. With all the necesary tools (propane torches breaker bars) if all the bolts are fairly easy to get off it shouldnt take to look correct?

Hahaha this thread is hilarious

I dont understand how this takes so long, the process seems fairly simple. With all the necesary tools (propane torches breaker bars) if all the bolts are fairly easy to get off it shouldnt take to look correct?

On my truck it took a weekend for body lift, shackles, TT, bumpers, steering extension. Most of the bolts came off easily. 2 person job. However we only had 1 jack and 2 or 3 jack stands, which was a little inconvenient.

alright look i may have been a little to forward with my idea and realized yall was all right anymore than 2 inches you will have to do all the things yall said. and sorry for sounding like a belligerent ass. yall are right and should have listened to yall sorry

I got some Polyurathane up at my house in PA. It was made for Earthquake springs for buildings, and I have the scraps. This stuff is so tuff, not one of my dogs can chew one. And they have chewed even the toughest dog toys, the unchewable kind (Kong). Anyways, it is in different diameters, and lengths. I was thinking of using it for a lift. They are pretty tough and hard enough for lifts, and the come in pretty yellow. Any cluse as to what diameter I should use?


not condoning his "rednecking the steering" but, i ran my mounty with no steering extension for about...3 months before i got bored one day and put it in....

so it is possible for a 3 inch lift with no steering extension

Just my $.02, but I'd never use hockey pucks for anything but hockey. Don't get me wrong, I've used them in the past, but when they get cold (-30C and lower), they can get extremely brittle, and break apart. For the same amount of money, you could easily fab some lift blocks out of steel or aluminum. I'm actually surprised that some of the more experienced people on this site haven't said anything about hockey pucks being a poor idea.

won't hockey pucks also rot?

Darwinism for the win!


We were warned

the title does say Redneck body lift...

However, if you rednecks were actually using your head, you would realize how stupid this is. I wish the moderators would remove dumb stuff like this to prevent someone from actually doing this......

I wish the moderators would remove dumb stuff like this to prevent someone from actually doing this......

It's pretty obvious that most people were against it. Rather than start a new argument every time somebody posts this question, we can just direct them to this thread. It will also turn up in searches. No thread should be deleted unless it's nonsense.

I got some Polyurathane up at my house in PA. It was made for Earthquake springs for buildings, and I have the scraps. This stuff is so tuff, not one of my dogs can chew one. And they have chewed even the toughest dog toys, the unchewable kind (Kong). Anyways, it is in different diameters, and lengths. I was thinking of using it for a lift. They are pretty tough and hard enough for lifts, and the come in pretty yellow. Any cluse as to what diameter I should use?


won't hockey pucks also rot?

Darwinism for the win!


I'm not too sure if the polyurethane (maybe polypropylene?) is UV stable. What about its oil resistance? Resistance to ozone, exhaust fumes, road sale, and other things that can cause polymers to degrade over time? Hockey pucks, and other rubber items will not last. They are not UV stable, and do not take the fatigue stress of being used as body mounts. They're simply not the right tool for the job.

This whole thread is just one bad idea. Redneck or not, it's unsafe, plain and simple, for all the reasons outlined here.

as a Canadian hockey player i know, hockey pucks do break, when cold they can split , and chip, thus falling apart,
besides, at 99 cents a piece you could buy the body kit blocks on that ebay site for about the same price,, and be safe,,
I have seen lots of guys use them up here, and usually they end up have problems, and than removing them , once they crack and leave the cab hanging on an angle,, ,

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won't hockey pucks also rot?

Darwinism for the win!


+1 OMG this thread is funny!

Paging Dr. Charles Darwin... This years recipients of your prestigious award have come calling.


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