The best bedliner product | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The best bedliner product


Well-Known Member
December 19, 2011
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City, State
Tampa, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Adrenalin 4x4
After seeing all the good paint jobs, I'm want to attempt some bumper work. Like so many other ST's, the black plastic on the top of the bumper has faded, or oxidized I guess. I used mother's back to black on it, which helped, but I think it would just look better to put the bed liner coating on top of it.

Pardon all the pollen =-)

My question is, what have y'all found to be the best product out there? I know 01Strac just said he had a bad experience with dupli color. So what are some reviews on other products like Line-X, Rhino, Herculiner?

I've also searched through some threads and saw people had trouble with chipping due to bad prep work. Not sure if this would be the same for a liner product vs just paint, but I would imagine so.

Also does anyone know if that piece is part of the bumper or if it will pop off by itself?

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You're definitely going to want to prep it- especially after using that Back to Black stuff.

Scrub everything down with Tri Sodium Phosphate (TSP)- available at autopart stores, paint store and hardware stores.

Then spray on an adhesion promotor.

Then spray on your bedliner of choice.

I've used Dupicolor and it worked MUCH better than the Rustoleum bedliner spray.

You're definitely going to want to prep it- especially after using that Back to Black stuff.

Scrub everything down with Tri Sodium Phosphate (TSP)- available at autopart stores, paint store and hardware stores.

Then spray on an adhesion promotor.

Then spray on your bedliner of choice.

I've used Dupicolor and it worked MUCH better than the Rustoleum bedliner spray.

X2 it's tough to get bedliner to stick to plastic! Also Rustoleum bedliner SUCKS! For do it yourself bedliner I like Herculiner.

Id go Herculiner. I painted all my cladding with it last summer and its done great. Just be sure you put some clear coat on top of it and it will last.



i think what happend was i forgot to spray the adhesive promotor on the steps before spraying the liner lol

Thanks everyone! I'll post some pics of how it turns out.
