thinkin bout thrownin in the towel and goin solid | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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thinkin bout thrownin in the towel and goin solid

Mud Bug 94 goin solid?

I got a dana 60 flat top,high pinion,with 4.10s and a sterling 10.25 with 4.10s both complete with stock tires and wheels too. I paid zip for the pair and figures id throw um in and beat the snot out of my high mileged explorer till the motor swap comes. i came up with a design for the leaf spring hangers i just want an opinion on them thanks for lookin. - Joe

the front hanger....

the rear shackle hanger/crossmember.....

edit, the spring width is 39.25" not 30.25"

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I see you really love the stacked pipe designs....

And im guessing you ran out of flat plate to use for the shackles?

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I see you really love the stacked pipe designs....

And im guessing you ran out of flat plate to use for the shackles?

I got 150 feet of it for im gunna use it(note tire carrier)plus its strong as hell but weighs about 200lbs with a tire:eek: ...and yes i ran out of plate but the square tube is stronger anyway....this x is turning into my little ghetto tank...

thats alot of miles... how many transmissions has that thing been through?

well, i am the third owner and i havent had any trouble with it...The first owner drove it to kansas every month and put two trannys in it the second owner got it with 1000 miles on the third tranny and owned it for a month and put about 700 miles on it and wanted a new truck and no one would buy it because of the mileage so he gave it to me....i did R/A bushings and valve covers and she was cherry...Any one else wanna comment on purple haze?

OH NO YOU DIDNT FLEX THAT...:eek: :confused:

dufus...sure its gonna flex without any shocks on it...and the shackles need a crossbar..and the rear bumper needs someone to man those grenade launchers...:salute:

what height are you shootin for..what size tires do you want to clear?


EDIT...your breaklines are ugly too...:p

so did your driveshaft hook up to the sterling, or are you going to need a custom drriveshaft?

I took the stock d-shaft flipped it upside down and used an f-350 slip yoke in the axle end...

OH NO YOU DIDNT FLEX THAT...:eek: :confused:

dufus...sure its gonna flex without any shocks on it...and the shackles need a crossbar..and the rear bumper needs someone to man those grenade launchers...:salute:

what height are you shootin for..what size tires do you want to clear?


EDIT...your breaklines are ugly too...:p

Shocks wont effect the'll lift a wheel befor the shock bottoms out...and the bumpstops will hit befor the shocks..cant find a good ramp and i donk care about the brake lines..thats the height for the rear...ill build the front to be level...i wanna run 35s or 36s...

you might want to think about larger tires, or shaving the diffs. your going to want some clearance for those diffs so they dont get hung up on everything.

the tires on it now are 29 inches tall....and ill probly shave it:eek:

you might want to think about larger tires, or shaving the diffs. your going to want some clearance for those diffs so they dont get hung up on everything.

yep...I suggested that...

my driveshaft I reused the stock one and cut the length down to fit..3in tube baby!!

the shocks if mounted should bottom out before the spring..unless you've got them WAY inboard..then theyre prettymuch useless...I had to move mine outboard on the 8.8 due to body sway..but if it it!!:D

still a least get a freakin LOG or somethin...:p:

yep...I suggested that...

the shocks if mounted should bottom out before the spring..unless you've got them WAY inboard..then theyre prettymuch useless...I had to move mine outboard on the 8.8 due to body sway..but if it it!!:D

still a least get a freakin LOG or somethin...:p:

the tires on it now are 29 inches tall....and ill probly shave it:eek:

I wish i new this earlier...

I cant really bring it anywhere to strech her legs B/c I live in the burbs and she aint street legal at the moment...

Well i started the front shackle hanger...




MY arsonal...

So does any one have anything posative to say or am I gunna have to cry myself to sleep again tonite:rolleyes:

I wish i new this earlier...

I cant really bring it anywhere to strech her legs B/c I live in the burbs and she aint street legal at the moment...

that'll be ok...I was talking more bout mounting them right on the diff cover (my old 8.8 had an IFS cover with the shock moutns on it..worthless!!)

mine arnt much further out than yours..your good...

street legal???...dang man..that sux...might have to do a "sunday drive" with someone following you...the police MIGHT leave ya alone if ya do that...

*notice*...nicely routed brakelines...:D

the brake line is like 5 inches too long...the bends are to compensate...give me some credit...Im only 5'2" so the install was a PITA, I was alone , I am an amature welder..its gassless, Im doin this in the driveway and i have to try to convince the old man that it doesnt look THAT bad... and hes givin me the; Oh, it was a nice truck why did you mess with it bit and I have to break it to him lightly that I have another 500 somethin pound axle comming to the house soon.....The reason Its not on the road is b/c i have no job...No one around here is looking for any part time help...thats also why this is an ultimate budget grand total so far is $7.34...for the brakelines..thats including the truck, axles and various metals and so forth....

I think you're really going to want to move those shocks mounts out. I don't think you'll like the ride quality at all.

the brake line is like 5 inches too long...the bends are to compensate...give me some credit...Im only 5'2" so the install was a PITA, I was alone , I am an amature welder..its gassless, Im doin this in the driveway and i have to try to convince the old man that it doesnt look THAT bad... and hes givin me the; Oh, it was a nice truck why did you mess with it bit and I have to break it to him lightly that I have another 500 somethin pound axle comming to the house soon.....The reason Its not on the road is b/c i have no job...No one around here is looking for any part time help...thats also why this is an ultimate budget grand total so far is $7.34...for the brakelines..thats including the truck, axles and various metals and so forth....


dam man...I spent more in electric for lights in a day in my garage...:scratch:

you just need to loop the line...and when you can get a flairing tool and cuttem down with a tubing cutter and flare them..(keeps-em lookin nice..)

and as for the welds..just be sure to clean off the surfaces to be welded with a wire brush or a grinder to get a good weld...Im usin flux (gasless) wire tends to penetrate better..and I dont forget and leave the inert gas on (done that a couple times)..

and I just saw your welds..your GREAT at weldin if your endin up with those nice lookin beads with that little machine...your limited with the dual output settings...mines infinite and it sometimes doesnt get HALF that nice a weld..

just keep at it man..and as for workin...flipin burgers SUX...but ya get free food..and a paycheck...(and can find womens...;) )

Im doin this in the driveway and i have to try to convince the old man that it doesnt look THAT bad... and hes givin me the; Oh, it was a nice truck why did you mess with it bit and I have to break it to him lightly that I have another 500 somethin pound axle comming to the house soon.....

buahahahahahahahaaha. that sounds WAYYYY to familiar. i've been working on my truck since i got it 3 1/2 years (48,000 miles) ago, and my dad never understands anything i do to it, and says hes not going to help me, and i should buy a junker for this kind of thing. but he always comes out and helps me and in the end he agrees that what i did was ":thumbsup: " and he would rather see me working on my truck than "doing drugs or something"

yea the welder is a little light duty but it had the last 6 inches of the pipe glowing for the quality...thats about as good as it gets:eek:...if i lay a better bead ill catch a pic...My entire collection of tools is only a sawzall, a 4inch grinder, and the doin the best i can here....

i think you are doing great. your mig welder beats the hell outa my mig welder. hopefully i'll have some 220 in the garage soon and can use my new welder, because i wouldnt trust a SAS using my 110 mig. its an EXTREMELY light duty flux core. lays the ugliest beads you have ever seen. your beads look real good. you take classes in high school or anything? or have u just practiced alot... or maybe ur just gifted? i'm not being sarcastic either, those beads look good(except for i think i saw a couple that were undercut a bit, but everyone does that :D)

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i think you are doing great. your mig welder beats the hell outa my mig welder. hopefully i'll have some 220 in the garage soon and can use my new welder, because i wouldnt trust a SAS using my 110 mig. its an EXTREMELY light duty flux core. lays the ugliest beads you have ever seen. your beads look real good. you take classes in high school or anything? or have u just practiced alot... or maybe ur just gifted? i'm not being sarcastic either, those beads look good(except for i think i saw a couple that were undercut a bit, but everyone does that :D)

what welder do you have??
