thinkin bout thrownin in the towel and goin solid | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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thinkin bout thrownin in the towel and goin solid

Mud Bug 94 goin solid?

I got a dana 60 flat top,high pinion,with 4.10s and a sterling 10.25 with 4.10s both complete with stock tires and wheels too. I paid zip for the pair and figures id throw um in and beat the snot out of my high mileged explorer till the motor swap comes. i came up with a design for the leaf spring hangers i just want an opinion on them thanks for lookin. - Joe

the front hanger....

the rear shackle hanger/crossmember.....

edit, the spring width is 39.25" not 30.25"

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im sooooooooooo pumped the swap meet is this fri-sun and i will hopefully have springs and U bolts monday.....

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well I went to the swap meet and got goodies...but not the ones i was hoping for....MY booty from today...5-6 inch daylighters, 2-10 inch dick cepek baja lights, 2 light bars, a 5 point harness and 2-5x7 inch spent $130

Well you outta be able to see at night.

jesus. I hope you have a few optimas and a 200amp alt for those.

Well the 5 point is in and when i strap in i cant move more than an inch in any direction...I mounted the 10 inchers too, with the covers on they are as bright as the headlights....without the covers its like day time....

jesus. I hope you have a few optimas and a 200amp alt for those.

Hey, i never sed i was putting them on...yet...or my ex....but im gunna get optimas...already set up for duals tho.....

started the base of my ghetto roll cage today and got the 8.8 back in of the 8.8, roll bar,5 point, and lights tommorow...

ghetto and roll cage should never be in th4e same sentance/

Conduit man, its all about the conduit.

ghetto and roll cage should never be in th4e same sentance/

I was thinking the same thing. maybe "budget", but not "ghetto"

when you say ghetto roll cage, i envision james t's idea of conduit held together with conduit elbows and extensions. might not be bad idea with all those lights your running:D aha, i'm just messing with you. dont take me the wrong way or anything. and dont forget.... lots of pictures.

Ooo, thats low. You know theres a problem when you have to use conduit for a cage because you have so many lights. :D


nah it started as a 1978 cj7 roll bar (2X.25 tubing)....i cut it down and sliced and diced so its removable (to weld) and its just getting bolted to the should do at least something right? The 5 point harness and roll bar/cage will add to the (oh my god, what the hell do you do with this thing to need a 5 point and roll cage)....effect had to work today, yes thats right for those of you following this, i got a job at a tire shop today, so noo pics just yet...

started the base of my BUDGET roll cage today and got the 8.8 back in of the 8.8, roll bar,5 point, and lights tommorow...


Btw aric,im not offended because i have no idea what you mean by lighs+conduit=roll bar....

you would need so many wires to run to the lights you could use electrical conduit. :D

Lets see some pics of this rollbar, I cant imagine this working well.

the 5 point...

stock ex seat i just made hoops for it...


the lights...

Now for the roll bar...i need help ....should i go on the wheel wells or between?




If i go between its gunna be 7 inches higher and level with the roof inside height...

It would fit better in the back, but it's doing you no good when you're in the front.

Take the harness out and go back to the seatbelts. The way you have it mounted its going to compress your spine and put you in a wheelchair if you roll it over. :eek:

If you take them out you can sell them to me :D

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It would fit better in the back, but it's doing you no good when you're in the front.

its the base for a cage...ill make a hoop to go behind the driver and pass. seat then continue it from there....

Take the harness out and go back to the seatbelts. The way you have it mounted its going to compress your spine and put you in a wheelchair if you roll it over. :eek:

i really dont understand what you gotta remember im only dosent pull me down...
