third break light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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third break light


Explorer Addict
March 28, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Birmingham Alabama,
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
Ok guys im taking time out of a party for this so help me out, all of my lights are off and the truck is off, but the third break light is still on, no i havnt checked any fuses or anything like that so just tell me what you think

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Obviously you have blown a fuse since the lights on ...:)

Don't tell me but my money's on "you did your own" trailer wiring...:)

Don't tell me but my money's on "you did your own" trailer wiring...:)

i havnt touched this wiring, and i dont have a trailer, or a hitch to pull one with so i have never messed with that wiring either, BTW i mean the light above the back hatch

oh and as i said i was taking time out of a party to post this so i was:chug: :smokinfro :bdrunk: if was had one of a guy throwing up that one would be there too

Tell me it wasnt the glare off of a street light....

well if its is the "glare", the third light gets it power from the same point as the rest of the brakes. The difference is that it has its own fuse in the interior fuse panel. I assume if you pull that fuse, the light will go off. If so, then you know that power is getting there from somewhere in the fuse block. If the light doesn't go off when you pull the fuse, you have a "hot short" somewhere along the route from the fuse block to the light. Hope the party is good... you might need more beer if the "fuse trick" doesn't work.
