uwharrie april 7-8-9 th | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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uwharrie april 7-8-9 th


Well-Known Member
October 25, 2005
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Norfolk VA
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99 xlt
im headed down to uwharrie with my brothers isuzu club aril 7th through 9th ive gone down there with him before and it was a blast. ill probably just do the easy stuff like slab pile and wolfs den and maybe dickey bell but ill see what the harder stuff looks like when i get up there in my rig but anyone who wants to come down is more than welcome here is the link from their website

let me know if your interested

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I can come down and show you around.... That early in the season you can run every trail there with your setup, barring rain of course.

Its a long time off...but I'm a definite maybe...lol

isnt that opening weekend? Ill probably be able to go (if i can fix my junk before then.)

sounds good i think it opens the 1st so itll be a week into the season. ive gone in the spring and in the fall so yeah i know there is a big difference in the difficulties in the trails. im just worried because i have a open diff so i dont think your gonna see me on daniel or anything

daniel is where i smashed my rockers. You wouldnt make it without locker/damage so i dont blame you. However you can do all the others open.

yeah its gonna be fun ill see what condition everything is in when i get there

LBarr2002 said:
Its a long time off...but I'm a definite maybe...lol

I can commit to a maybe as well :thumbsup:
What days is that?

its a friday saturday and sunday. theres gonna be people there thurs and monday but those are the days that i am gonna be there.

Wait, I think I am supposed to be going out of town Friday or Saturday.... I will have to check, my spring break starts the 10th.

well its still a while off, just keep in touch

can any of the trails be run in a stock 93 sport?


If someone could shoot me a reminder a couple weeks out I may ride down. I'd like to see it all.

this still on?

yeah man it looks like a bunch of people sayin maybe

uh60james said:
can any of the trails be run in a stock 93 sport?
hes right most can be just remeber to remove running boards or you will high end on just about every trail and dickey bell was supposed to be a little harder last i went right before season end it was a blast also you forgot rocky mount it is almost as bad as daniel on the back half and if you choose to go it in reverse there are alot of rock shelves so if your a stocker stay off daniel and the back of rocky mount! you wont make it trust me, if a little mods tires and such do dickey bell fun and its got a great hill climb in loose gravel slate, if stock play at wolfs den but do not try the mud pit dependeing on rain it can be 3 to 4 feet deep fun for us but not a stocker and you had better belive i'll be there!!!!!! any stockers wanna ride along thats cool just remember i'm a sport so only two doors cant wait on this trip i never see any exs up there! just a few 1st gens here and there happy trails!!!

dickey bell is nothing....stocker could run it with good spotting and care. RML will dominate a stock explorer..as will daniel. You can run dickey bell though stock with some help and care. But i will probably have at least 2 open seats for RML and Daniel so the stockers can ride along if they wanted.

I had forgotten about this. Are ya'll planning on going all three days? With school if I can make it it would either be late friday night or saturday and leaving early sunday.

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i will just be around for the day on saturday, but i think some people are camping.
