uwharrie april 7-8-9 th | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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uwharrie april 7-8-9 th

Right now it looks like my cousin and I will be there just for the day. I have to be to work at 5 :thumbdwn:

I am going to shoot for being there at 9, its only about a 45 minute drive for me.

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10-4 Call me at 704-579-zero49seven when you get near Caleb....hope to see you there.

so far its:

and maybe chad.. who is missin?

well i emailed a couple local members to see if they are still going. (trying to get a few more guys into this) and those from the first page. maybe we'll have a bigger turn out.

oh and lee now the wife might be going to a horse show instead.. needs to make up the mind

haha, its all good. My girl is gonna co-pilot regardless.

Sorry guys, just got pm from zhanx but I'm not gonna make it. Lots of work and the truck's out of commission for a little while.

that was really fun i found out my truck was overheating because the thermostat wasnt flowing right so i cut the actual valve out ans just left the base to restrict the fluid backa little it ran like a champ on the way home, but my brothers steering went out goin 70 on 85 so that was scary but we need to do this again sometime.

hey fellas sorry i just got the pm i was off here for awile and forgot all about ure, anybody wanna schedule a new time i promise to make it.

Hey, I was reading on the URE website, and for the OHV trails it says that helmets are required. It doesn't specify only for dirtbikes or ATVs. I never heard of this, so thought I'd ask you guys about this. Never heard anyone here mention it.

thats only for ATVs, lol.

Hey now, don't laugh. I was just checking, since they didn't specify. They just state that if you are on the trails, you have to have a helmet.

The off-highway vehicle trail system in the Uwharrie offers a variety of topography and scenery. All trails are designated for all off-highway vehicles, except for a small portion of the Dickey Bell Trail located west of SR 6584 which is suitable only for use by ATV’s or motorcycles. Stay on the trail system to help prevent soil erosion and creek sedimentation, which occur as a result of illegal trail use. FS roads can be used as trail connectors, but all vehicles operating on the road system must be "street legal" meaning that the vehicles are fully licensed, inspected and registered. Persons violating these regulations will be fined according to the law. Helmets are required on the OHV trail system . The trail system is subject to a seasonal closure during the winter months in order to prevent unacceptable soil erosion and stream sedimentation.

Thanks for clarifying though! :)
